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Jul 15th 2019
đź’°1MDB Global Scandalđź’°

What is 1MDB?

Short for 1Malaysia Development Berhad (which means limited), the fund was set up in 2009 by then-Prime Minister Najib Razak to invest government revenues in real estate

Questions arose in early 2015 when the fund failed to meet payments on $11 billion in debt.

🔑The WSJ then published documents showing that about $700M from 1MDB-linked entities had ended up in Najib’s personal bank accounts just before elections in 2013.…
By far the largest transactions that flowed into Malaysian PM Najib’s accounts were two deposits of $620M & $61M in March 2013, during a heated election campaign in Malaysia.…
Read 42 tweets
Jul 11th 2019
đź’°1MDB -Trump Campaignđź’°

🔑DOJ Probes Whether Jho Low, the Fugitive Financier Supplied Donation to Trump Re-Election Effort

🔑Justice Department investigates whether the $100,000 contribution came from Malaysian businessman charged in a global scandal…
The $100,000 donation was made in December 2017 to the Trump Victory committee—which is involved in helping re-elect President Trump in 2020—by Larry Davis, a U.S. citizen who co-owns LNS Capital, a Hawaii-based investment company.…
🔑Authorities are seeking to determine whether transfers totaling $1.5 million to LNS Capital—originating with the Malaysian businessman, Jho Low—financed Mr. Davis’s donation to Trump Victory. #Strawman #FCPA…
Read 22 tweets

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