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Russische Finanzierung der extremen Rechten - Recherche. #Bannon #Hoecke #Kalbitz #VonStorch #Trump #Kushner #NoAfD #Savoini #Fluegel Bild zeigt Teil des Netzwerkes der Strukturen aber auch Finanzierung von rechtsextremen Parteien und Strukturen. Ausgangspunkt ist der Schmiergeldskandal der Lega.
Beim Fluegeltreffen #Hermannstreffen 2018 traf sich #Hoecke mit dem Schmiergeld-Lieferanten der #Lega #Savoini eben auf einer Veranstaltung zu dem die Flügelianer ihn eingeladen hatten.2019 erfolgte eine Einladung nach Moskau an #Kalbitz und Höcke.Kalbitz nahm teil. #NoAfD Image
Und wie gut, dass der bösen #Antifa sogar das komplette Gesagte auf der Veranstaltung, u.a. auch das von #Savoini vorliegt. Keine Angst Herr Blex wir haben schon alles gesichert *kicher*. #Dugin #AfD #NoAfD @KreuzAcht
Read 33 tweets
President #Biden ignores question on why #classified documents were found at his think tank | Jan 10
- the classified documents that were found at the #PennBidenCenter for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in #Washington, D.C.…
'Storm Joe #Biden's homes', #Trump tells #FBI after classified documents found in private office | Jan 10
- "When is the FBI going to #raid the many homes of Joe Biden, perhaps even the #WhiteHouse? These documents were definitely not declassified."…
#Trump Wildly Speculates #Biden Gave #Classified Docs to #China Before Adding Denial No One Asked For: 'I Certainly Wouldn't Do That' | Jan 10
- #Not a good situation for our Country to be in!”
Read 104 tweets
Recherche #Brasilien: Im Juli 2021 reiste Beatrix von Storch zusammen mit ihrem Mann nach Brasilien, um sich mit dem rechtsextremen Präsidenten Jair Bolsonaro und seinem Sohn Eduardo Bolsonaro (PSL) zu treffen. #brasilia Beatrix von Storch bei einem Treffen mit brasilianischen Ari
Eduardo Bolsonaro schrieb auf Twitter, seine Partei teile mit der AfD die Ideale der "Verteidigung der Familie, des Grenzschutzes und der nationalen Kultur". #NoAfD #AfD #Brasilien #Brasilia From left to right: Gil Diniz, Beatrix von Storch, Eduardo B
Von Storch schrieb, ihre Partei wolle sich "stärker vernetzen und auf internationaler Ebene für unsere christlich-konservativen Werte eintreten". #brasilia #Brasilien #NoAfD #AfD From left to right: Beatrix von Storch, Jair Bolsonaro, and
Read 12 tweets
BREAKING: pro-#Bolsonaro rioters breach Congress, Supreme Court & Presidential Palace in 🇧🇷#Brazil.

Ex president promotes a stolen election lie & has been close to Trump.

He skipped inauguration of his predecessor & flew to Florida.

By: @peterbmillard…
2/ What does this remind you of?

🇧🇷#Brazil is yet more proof that the "stolen election" lie is poison for Democracy.

3/ Appalling footage is surfacing of pro-#Bolsonaro rioters dragging and beating the police protecting 🇧🇷#Brazil's capitol.

This is very, very bad.

And looks extremely orchestrated.
Read 50 tweets
In scenes reminiscent of the January 6 Capitol attack in the US, supporters of the defeated President #Bolsonaro, have marched on #Brazil’s Presidential Palace & Congress building, invading the floor of the Federal Senate & the Supreme Court👇#BREAKING
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- "Ostin raketteja Ukrainalle..."
Video: #EthnicCleansing #Genocide.
'Lapset jotka #Ukraina'n joukot tappoivat #Donbas'ssa ennen sodan, #DeNazification, alkamista.'
#OSCE #France:
The conflict in #Ukraine was not opened by #Russia on Feb 24, but by Ukraine a week before. #BulletinNo27.
- de #mercenaires de la #CIA conduits ou « conseillés » par des Américains et composés de #combattants #ukrainiens ou #européens
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Steve #Bannon, ehemals einer der Top-Berater des ex-#USA-Presitoddlers #Trump, hat sich in #NewYork der Polizei gestellt - ermittelt wird wohl wegen dessen Spendenkampagne zur Unterstützung des #Mauer-Baus nach #Mexiko. /MS…
Mehr zu den Hintergründen von #WeBuildTheWall gibt's hier. Neben dem Vorwurf der Veruntreuung erwartet Bannon im Oktober noch ein Urteil wegen "Missachtung des Kongresses" im Zuge der Aufklärung des #Jan6th-Putschversuchs. /MS…
Die Vorwürfe gegen Steve #Bannon und #WeBuildTheWall sind saftig: Geldwäsche und Verschwörung zum Betrug.
Vom damals-gerade-noch-Presitoddler #Trump gab es zwar einen Gnadenerlass für Bannon, aber nur auf Bundesebene - die Staaten können weitermachen. /MS
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Da die Recherche beim @Volksverpetzer im Laufe der nächsten Woche erscheinen wird, haben wir uns entschlossen, hier schonmal eine Version, mit Informationen zu veröffentlichen. #Putin #AfD #NoAfD #Trump #Bannon #Dugin #Geopolitik #Imperialismus ImageImageImageImage
Die Recherche wird sich u.a. auch mit der russischen Geopolitik seit den neunzigern beschäftigen. Und eben auch im Speziellen mit #Dugin, denn die aktuellen Ziele des widerrechtlichen Angriffskrieges sind 1:1 die Geopolitischen Ziele Dugins. #Putin #AfD #NoAfD #Trump #Bannon Image
Gleicht man die geopolitischen Ziele des kleptokratisch und faschistischen Staates #Putin genauer an, so braucht man die Ziele und die geopolitischen Ansichten #Dugin nur daneben legen und Abhaken was schon „gelöst“ wurde. #AfD #NoAfD #Trump #Bannon Image
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@pjgiannic Il messaggio è diretto ad un’audience ben precisa: l’estrema destra cattolica (quella del cardinale Burke e della Fondazione Sciacca per intenderci). Segnala affiliazione ad un’agenda comune e richiesta di aiuto per le elezioni imminenti (cont.)👇
@pjgiannic L’icona greca bizantina a destra è la Madre del Perpetuo Soccorso il cui originale è conservato nella chiesa di Sant’Alfonso all’Esquilino a Roma e il cui culto è officiato dai Redentoristi in un paio di basiliche nel mondo tra cui quella a lei dedicata nella diocesi di Boston 👇
@pjgiannic L’immagine a sinistra sembra essere quella di Sant’Antonio Abate a cui è dedicata la chiesa romana di Sant’Antonio all’Esquilino, detta chiesa Russa xché nel 1928 fu assegnata ai cattolici Russi di rito Bizantino (Cont.) 👇
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1. Fin juillet 2022. La commission d'enquête parlementaire sur l'insurrection du Capitole pense avoir accumulé les preuves contre #Trump, comme instigateur d'1 ébauche de coup d'Etat. Mais l'ex-président reste indemne et organise sa (re)prise du pouvoir. 👇…
2. Il y a 2 horizons pour la commission d'enquête parlementaire sur l'insurrection du Capitole: amener des poursuites judiciaires du ministère fédéral de la Justice contre #Trump et le disqualifier politiquement auprès des élus et électeurs républicains. Pour l'heure, semi échec
3. Certes, la position de #Trump auprès des électeurs républicains semble un peu affaiblie dans les sondages mais plus par lassitude quant à ses perpétuelles affaires que sur la ligne politique nationaliste, "anti-système" et identitaire, toujours plébiscitée...
Read 16 tweets
Day #5 of the #BannonTrial is set to begin shortly in the E. Barrett Perryman US District Courthouse in Washington, D.C. Prosecutors and defense make final arguments and the case then goes to the jury. That's the plan. #BannonTrial
Thursday's proceedings concluded with Judge Carl Nichols recessing to chambers to craft final jury instructions and ponder the defense's motion to dismiss the case. He will not rule on the motion until after the verdict. #BannonTrial
In response to Nichols' final jury instructions, which were emailed to all parties last night, Bannon's attorneys have filed a 10-page notice of objection. #BannonTrial…
Read 86 tweets
Day 4 of the #BannonTrial kicks off Thursday at the E. Perryman Bartlett US District Courthouse in Washington, D.C., with a 10:30 am hearing on a defense motion to have both contempt-of-Congress charges against the former Trump-adviser dismissed. #BannonTrial
#Bannon attorney Evan Corcoran notified US District Judge Carl Nichols Wednesday that the defense would file a motion to dismiss and Nichol’s scheduled a 10:30 am hearing before deliberations in the trial are scheduled to proceed at 11 am. #BannonTrial
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Day 3 of the #BannonTrial is set to begin Wednesday at the E. Perryman Bartlett US District Courthouse in Washington, DC, with House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack Chief Counsel Kristin Amerling on the stand.
Former #Trump adviser and #WarRoom podcaster Steve #Bannon is being tried on two counts of contempt-of-Congress for not providing documents to the committee as demanded in a subpoena by Oct. 7, 2021, and appearing to be deposed by Oct. 14, 2021. #BannonTrial
Much of the proceedings thus far have focused on jury selection, which took a day-and-a-half, and on how letters between Amerling and former Bannon attorney Robert Costello should be weighed as evidence. #BannonTrial
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Dave 'Santa' Riddell of Lebanon, Ohio, says the 1776 Restoration Movement seeks to “restore the constitutional republic and restore morality to America because you cannot have a constitutional republic unless you are a moral country.”#BannonTrial Image
The genesis of the #1776RestorationMovement was the trucker-led #PeoplesConvoy earlier this year, Riddell said, noting there are people from all over the country participating in ad hoc demonstrations through July 23-26 in coordination with the US Liberty Alliance. #BannonTrial
Jury selection in the #BannonTrial has adjourned for lunch. There are apparently five jurors on board. It could be a long afternoon, evening perhaps.
Read 37 tweets
Four takeaways from the sixth day of Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riot hearings
@Reuters #Trump @moirawarburton…
-@RepLizCheney: General Flynn, do you believe in the peaceful transition of power in the United States of America?
-#MichaelFlynn: The Fifth
Read 122 tweets
U.S. House committee examines efforts to pressure GOP state officials — including in Pa. — to overturn 2020 election - Pennsylvania Capital-Star - 6/21/22 1/…
“The U.S. House committee also played never-before-seen testimony from Cutler, where he discussed the aftermath of Trump ally Steve Bannon calling for protests outside Cutler’s home & district office.” 2/
“He also outlined the consequences of having his personal information — his email, cell, and home phone numbers shared publicly online.” 3/
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I just have to laugh at how pathetic #Bannon is, esp his attempted knowledge of what "treason" means. 🤣 I'm a "liberal attorney"? I prob rep more conservatives than liberals in my career, sue every WH & have always been registered independent.…
I'm quite proud to rep both @AVindman & @YVindman. As well as @EzraACohen, @LTGHRMcMaster, @Cliff_Sims, @RepWalterJones, Secretary of Defenses #MarkEsper & #ChrisMiller, IC #whistleblower, #KatieArrington, #BrianMurphy & #ChelseaManning.

All these cases pertain to #RuleOfLaw.
Here are some good background articles on my legal career…
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Kolumne: Es gibt eine neue Lagerbildung, global, real, hochgefährlich und spätestens jetzt wirklich nicht mehr zu ignorieren. Die neuen Lager lassen sich nicht mehr in Himmelsrichtungen unterteilen. Die Grenzen verlaufen quer durch Länder. #Putin #Ukraine…
Die zahlreichsten und gefährlichsten Putin-Fans gehören dieser rechten Internationalen an. Von #Bannon bis #Koeppel, von #AfD bis #FPÖ.
Der »Freedom Convoy« hätte in Moskau keine zwei Stunden überlebt.
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Tuesday, January 18, 2022
News you can use.

Try not to laugh...
#ErikPrince and James O'Keefe are the ratf*ck extroardinaires #RogerStone Steve #Bannon needed. Sprinkle a little #Flynn in there, and you've got a military grade political hack squad ready to fill their own pockets no matter how bad it is for the U.S.

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8 Noms !

C'est le nombre de hautes-personnalités qui ont été dénoncé par #VirginiaGiuffre qui n'ont pas été encore dévoilé depuis toutes ces années

En pleine plandémie d'injectés-antenne-relais-5G, y'a un nom qui gacherait les ventes ImageImage
La #RAINSlist ou liste du Dr Joan Coleman

Compile les noms issus des récits d'une victime de crime sexuel satanique #SRA

<< certains affirment qu'il serait un des plus hauts initiés lucifériens >>

Communément appelé
"Le Prince des Ténèbres"

À Paris avec #Eipstein ImageImageImageImage
#GhislaineMaxwell née à Maisons-Laffitte (78) se cachait à Paris avant son arrestation

Certains durant cette période l'auraient vu sortir de l'ambassade d'Israel, tout près de sa cache

Luxueuse propriété !

#JeanLucBrunel vieil ami
logeait Avenue Hoche ImageImageImageImage
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1/ What is Moms For Liberty? 🧵

This new REPUBLICAN group started in #Brevard County, FL. They spread across the country(like COVID), calling themselves "non-partisan" and "grassroots", they are neither. Last week, they formed 4 large PACs. Let's dive in!

2/ FACT: The Republican agenda IS to privatize public education, and put that tax money into their own private piggy banks. They have already taken several steps down that road, and that's not an exaggeration.…
3/ Matt Gaetz sponsored a bill in 2017 that would have completely elimated the U.S. Department of Education @usedgov

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Selon la commission d'enquête de la Chambre, dans sa motivation de poursuites contre lui, #Meadows secrétaire général de la Maison Blanche de #Trump envoya 1 courriel le 5/01 disant que la Garde Nationale protègerait les manifestants pro-#Trump le 6…
2. La commission d'enquête de la Chambre sur l'insurrection du 6/01 a publié ce rapport pour validation puis transmission par le Speaker au ministère de la Justice d'1 recommandation d'inculpation de #Meadows, refusant de témoigner, pour outrage au Congrè…
3. #Meadows est pris à son propre piège. Il avait décidé de coopérer, contre l'avis de #Trump, et avait fourni, avant son revirement, 1 série de documents non couverts par le privilège de l'exécutif- dont ces courriels qui semblent le rattacher à la machinerie du 6/01...
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La commission spéciale d'enquête sur l'insurrection du 6 janvier contre le Capitole assigne 6 nouveaux proches de #Trump, citant pour la 1ère fois leur réunion dans l'hôtel Willard pour planifier 1 renversement des résultats la veille de l'é…
2. Les 6 assignés par la commission spéciale d'enquête de la Chambre sont Bill Stepien, le directeur de campagne, Jason Miller, conseiller politique principal de #Trump, Bernard Kerik, ex- patron de la police de NY et proche de #Giuliani...
3...John Eastman, le prof de droit complotiste qui a préparé 1 mémo de scenarii possibles de renversement des résultats de l'élection, Michael Flynn, l'ex-conseiller sécurité nationale de Trump gracié par lui et Angela McCallum, une conseillère politique de la campagne #Trump...
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THREAD: In 2019 @HouseIntel criminally referred Erik Prince for lying to congress in 1/17. Raise your hand if you’d like to see this blatant crime prosecuted by @TheJusticeDept & @RepAdamSchiff before the statute of limitations expires in 3 months. 1/…
And the Senate Intel @MarkWarner made criminal referrals regarding Prince, #Bannon, Clovis, Trump Jr, and Kushner for lying to congress, but as with the House referral on Prince, Barr did nothing. Time for @TheJusticeDept to address these crimes. 2/…
I would also like to see the @HouseIntel @JacksonLeeTX18 @RepZoeLofgren make a criminal referrals regarding McGahn’s testimony this year on trump’s obstruction of justice. If not, what was the point? The Statute of Limitations expires in about 8 months. 3/…
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