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Aug 5th 2019
THREAD: here is some expansion on what I discussed on @MSNBC @KasieDC RE: what could be done yesterday to elevate our Federal #DomesticTerrorism prevention efforts, h/t to @tribelaw for the thread prompt and @SeamusHughes for his insight 1/
My former office, @DHSgov Ofc of Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention once had a budget of $22 mil now $2.7-3 mil and once 40 FTEs now 7-10 FTEs, the #Trump Admin actively atrophied the office w/ specific focus on #DomesticTerrorism prevention programming 2/
This systematic atrophy included the pulling back of announced grant funding for programs specific to #DomesticTerrorism (DT) prevention, grant award were pulled back from #LifeAfterHate bc the org was critical of #Trump for example (evidence in FOIA req) 3/
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