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Nov 12th 2020
1. @realDonaldTrump @VP @senatemajldr Per CDC: We had 134,383 Americans test + for #COVID19 & 1,859 new deaths from Tues to Wed. And the numbers are projected to keep going up! What are you going to do about this?

#USPandemic is a #HumanitarianDisaster! Image
2. It is your job to take care of us. Yet you do nothing! Experts know that #HerdImmunity doesn't work! If you aren't going to address this #HumanitarianDisaster then #ResignNow. Let someone take over who will listen to the scientists & public health experts to #SaveLives!....
3. @realDonaldTrump for once in your life, put others first! Millions are suffering & healthcare workers are exhausted!
"The evidence is very clear: controlling community spread of COVID-19 is the best way to protect our societies & economies until safe and effective vaccines....
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