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Mar 4th 2023
5 screenshots from the #Torygraph

now openly declaring they want to shape the conversation around @covidinquiryuk

Please note: the #Telegraph #LockdownFiles are a determined effort to force the Judge to believe infecting kids is the way out of Covid by reaching #HerdImmunity
celebrating their attempts to change the debate around why the UK has the highest death rate per million in the EU
celebrating their ability to shape the conversation around the Judge led Public Inquiry
Read 16 tweets
Jan 25th 2023
#Moderna is quadrupling the cost of #covid #vaccines, from $26/dose to $110-130. CEO Stephane Bancel calls the price hike "consistent with the value" of the #MRNA vaccines. Moderna's costs are $2.85/dose, for a 4,460% markup on every dose:… 1/ Moderna headquarters in Cambridge, Mass. On the left side of
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
Now, obviously the manufacturing costs are only part of the cost of making a vaccine: there's also all the high-risk capital that goes into doing the basic research. 3/
Read 25 tweets
Oct 25th 2022
#RishiSunak was at the heart of the #HerdImmunityScandal

Every epidemiologist, virologist & scientist made clear that - without a vaccine - #HerdImmunity was an “outcome” never a “strategy”

On 21/9/20, Sunak & Johnson skipped a crucial SAGE meeting to meet two lockdown sceptics
At the Sept meeting that Sunak skipped, SAGE had advised a circuit-breaker lockdown

Scientists had also warned against #Sunak's Eat Out to Help Out scheme which is closely linked to rise in #COViD19 cases & likely helped trigger a rise in deaths among ethnic minority populations
After #Sunak & Johnson were briefed by the anti-lockdown sceptics, they ignored SAGE’s advice to:

1. introduce a circuit-breaker lockdown

2. close pubs, restaurants & gyms

3. stop households mixing in each other’s homes

4. stop face-to-face teaching at universities & colleges
Read 5 tweets
Oct 22nd 2022
The lies 2020:

Don’t Panic, we go for #herdimmunity, #children can’t spread it and won’t be harmed

What was really
And use #schools as a tap for controlled spread. No transparency, no testing no mask

Lets spread the lie that mask simply don’t work

Here #polarisation starts driven by misinformation and intransparancy by your government. Everybody could see that the measures were nog in line with urgency.

What were they hiding? Why no #zerorisk #zerocovid with borders closed. It could be done

2020: wait we know this will
Lead to many many deaths but the #vaccin is almost here, working hard, we know the #SPIKE is a big thing, hold on #Hopium being built.

Meanwhile lets keep up the lie of children not important to monitor😢 we know from SARS they build less #antibodies lets presume they just not
Read 31 tweets
Jun 23rd 2022
The Congressional Subcomm has finished it's questioning of Deborah Birx, whose most damning comments were directed at Dr. Scott Atlas.
Atlas testified in closed session -- transcript was released:…
2/Key points of Atlas testimony:
- "investigation uncovered internal memoranda used by Dr. Atlas to push the #Trump Admin to jettison proven mitigation measures & deliberately reduce testing—months before the first #coronavirus #vaccines were available to the public."
- "memo criticized #pandemic resp strategy advocated by mainstream publ hlth officials: 'Stopping all cases is not necessary, nor possible. It instills irrational fear into the public.' And "widespread testing 'sets up an unattainable goal that is harming this president.”
Read 6 tweets
Apr 18th 2022
The PM breaking #COVID19 lockdown rules then lying about it is serious

But there are MUCH bigger scandals than #Partygate (many of which I broke)

5/3/20 - #TakeItOnTheChin #HerdImmunityScandal

3/2/20 #GreenwichSpeech👇

15/5/20 #CarehomeScandal

👉the #DataGrab / #PalantirPlan
For me, my investigation began by chance on 8/3/20 when I stumbled on @BorisJohnson’s interview with @Schofe & @hollywills where he said “one theory is we could #TakeItOnTheChin

I clipped it & it went viral

Ironically, this was also the same day as first Briton died of #COVID
As #COVID19 hit, every epidemiologist/virologist made clear #HerdImmunity without a vaccine was an “outcome” not a “strategy”

Every behaviourist made clear “behavioural fatigue” was unscientific

Every expert knew about asymptomatic spread in Feb 2020

Then the penny dropped
Read 7 tweets
Apr 7th 2022
#COVID19 testing remains inadequate throughout the world. These data show test positivity rates for 7/10 countries with the most daily new cases, per @Worldometers. All 7 have been >10% for the past month, with Germany >30% since Jan. 23 & South Kores >50% since Mar. 18. 1/
From the start, @WHO has stressed the need for robust testing, combined with contact tracing, isolation & quarantine, to identify and cut off all chains of transmission. This article from May 2020 summarized the importance of low test positivity rates. 2/…
Nearly every country outside China has abandoned TTIQ, the cornerstone of a scientific response to the pandemic. The #Omicron surge was used to scrap all mitigation measures, with #HerdImmunity adopted worldwide. But #CovidIsNotOver! 3/…
Read 5 tweets
Feb 10th 2022
No economic sense in ending #SelfIsolation. 1 in 4 bosses say #LongCovid the main cause of sickness absence. Of UK population almost 2% are #pwLC (40% for 1-2 years). You can't fill 500,000 posts when tens of thousands a month are losing jobs to illness @longcovidwork @long_covid
At least two in three #pwLC are frontline workers (ONS, TUC, @long_covid data). @longcovidwork we hear of more and more losing jobs. There are 100,000+ vacancies in the NHS alone, doctors and nurses. Can the #NHS afford to lose more to infection and disability? @sajidjavid
Can UK schools afford to have more teachers becoming ill with #Covid each week and keep getting reinfected? Does @nadhimzahawi expect them to work while ill if #SelfIsolation ends? And how does losing more teachers to #LongCovid help the UK economy?
Read 5 tweets
Feb 9th 2022
Glad that you (and many other scientists) are now reading the WSWS. But you wouldn't be surprised by its content - "among the most truthful and reliable" - if you had been familiar with the writings of Trotsky, who ranks among the greatest thinkers of the 20th century. 1/
Murdered by a Stalinist agent in 1940, Trotsky personified - as did Lenin and Rosa Luxemburg - the great socialist culture of the early 20th century that educated the working class, thus enabling it to act as a historically aware and politically conscious revolutionary force. 2/
The disastrous response to the pandemic and its tragic consequences cannot be explained apart from the absence of a mass socialist movement based on the working class, which would declare war on #Covid19 and the criminal corporate/finance-dictated policy of #herdimmunity. 3/
Read 7 tweets
Jan 19th 2022
The #NYTimes spells out the #herdimmunity strategy of the Biden administration: "By infecting large numbers of people quickly, it’s also generating immunity quickly. And that counts toward making #COVID19 a more manageable illness..." 1/
The author admits this may be "cold comfort" to those who get sick and die now. "As older age groups are infected things may deteriorate further, but the situation is still vastly better than if people hadn’t already accumulated some immunity against Covid." 2/
He adds: "The immunity Omicron will leave behind might well be a major step toward making Covid a manageable illness by providing more protection against future surges and variants. ... But the immunity generated by Omicron is not going to lead to the extinction of the virus." 3/
Read 4 tweets
Jan 16th 2022
Every day that passes denying vaccination to 🇬🇧5-12yr olds will result in harm to a child somewhere @RCPCHPresident @Rachel_deSouza .

The #JCVI’s REFUSAL TO OFFER these children an @MHRAgovuk approved vaccine is IMO a national safeguarding concern.

We have plenty of vaccines, in fact they are being wasted!

I would personally jump at the chance to give 5-12yr olds their first #CovidVaccination , I know many other HCPs who feel the same.

Parents like @Mangalang1 are desperate, some are seeking vaccination abroad.
@chris_salt is campaigning for 5-12yr olds to be vaccinated & offering advice to parents able to travel.

Why is this happening in🇬🇧 whilst children of this age in many other parts of the world are being safely vaccinated & @MHRAgovuk have approved it?

Read 10 tweets
Jan 12th 2022
Of all the vicious anti-Chinese propaganda pieces Ms. Li Yuan has churned out for the @NYTimes, this ranks among the filthiest. As always, her aim is to portray China's ZeroCovid policy -- which has kept deaths below 5,000 people -- as a monstrous violation of human rights. 1/
The article is titled: "The Army of Millions Who Enforce China's #ZeroCovid Policy, at All Costs." Her technique is to sensationalize individual incidents -- actually reported in the Chinese press -- as examples of pervasive brutality. 2/
Li Yuan cites the following incidents: 1) a man in Xi'an who failed to gain admittance to a hospital died of a heart attack; 2) a pregnant woman, with an invalid Covid test, lost her baby; 3) two security guards beat up a man who was caught violating lockdown rules. 3/
Read 10 tweets
Jan 3rd 2022
I have been tweeting about endemicity for a while now but I'll explain it here for anyone who wants to better understand how this pandemic will end from an immunologist's POW:
This pandemic won't end by us eradicating #SARS_CoV_2 there are three main reasons for this:
1) This virus has animal reservoirs meaning it can jump back and forth between humans and other hosts. So forget about we will eradicate this virus or COVIDzero
2) Although our vaccines are very effective against severe #COVID19 they don't confer sterilizing immunity meaning... can be immunized and still get infected and transmit the virus.
3) Even if we had vaccines that conferred sterilizing immunity, we couldn't possibly vaccinate the entire human population to prevent the emergence of VOCs that can evade immunity...
Read 16 tweets
Dec 19th 2021
Lieber @karl_lauterbach. Sie haben gerade meine Weihnachten ruiniert. Nur knapp ueber 24h Warnung. Der Flug war morgen, und es gibt in Oxford keine Tests mehr. Dh ich kann nicht fliegen. Und in der Panik (check-in fast schon offen) habe ich den Flug gecancelled statt umzubuchen.
And I'm triple vaccinated! Visiting a first-degree relative. My 80 year-old mother.
Eigentlich Pauschalregeln sind absurd: vor ein paar Tagen ist jemand aus Hannover ohne Probleme vom London zurück. War in U-Bahnen voller Leute ohne Masken. Ich bin in Oxford, radle nur, sitze in Cafés nur draußen, meide Supermarkt etc. Risiko ganz ungleich. Nur als Beispiel.
Read 7 tweets
Oct 28th 2021
1/13 Een #Draadje met #Ernstige #Kritiek op het #Corona-#Beleid van dat #Neoliberale Kabinet van #Rutte.
Ik geef dit al aan vanaf voorjaar 2020, eerst via @OccupySchagen, daarna ook via m'n eigen Account in het Nederlands. Eerst wat cijfers en zo: ImageImageImageImage
2/13 Er zijn 3 Soorten beleid sinds de start van de Pandemie in Jan.-Mrt. 2020.

1. #ZeroCovid: Beperk Besmettingen, roei 't virus uit.

2. #WeinigCovid: Beperk besmettingen.

3. #HerdImmunity: laat het virus rondrazen in afwachting van vaccins.

Hieronder alle 3, met hun impact.
3/13 1. #ZeroCovid: speur alle besmetten via #Testen op en #Isoleer ze.
Lokale Lockdown uitbraken + iedereen daarin testen.
China, Australië, Nw Zeeland, Z-Korea.
Totaal Corona-#Doden cijfers per #Miljoen #Inwoners:
NwZ : 6
Z-K : 55
Aus: 65 Image
Read 17 tweets
Oct 12th 2021
1/. #BREAKING #COVID NEWSFLASH: The “official scientific advisers" behind the #HerdImmunityScandal were in reality were political advisors, appointed by politicians, who's advice had little or no basis in science (e.g. “Dr” David Halpern who has a doctorate in Political Science)
2/. Today’s findings are not new

The truth has been in plain sight from the start

We didn’t need #Cummings to tell us

Indeed, @Dominic2306 ‘revelations’ raised far more questions than answers

It was clear that #HerdImmunity was the strategy & they didn’t “pivot away” from it
3/. Every epidemiologist, virologist or public health expert will tell you that #HerdImmunity is an “outcome” NEVER a “strategy”

Without a vaccine it would involve sacrificing the vulnerable in vast numbers

This “strategy” would also clearly damage the economy

So why do it?👇
Read 12 tweets
Sep 26th 2021
@ProfPCDoherty 1/- The TGA - I have no confidence. Coercion is beyond belief.
State Governments mandating are in breach of the Constitution section 51-23A No medical civil conscription authorised.
10,000 DAEN entries have no age in the report lists and a snapshot of adverse events is shocking.
@ProfPCDoherty 2/- #HerdImmunity can’t be achieved with a narrow epitope systemic v@x that doesn’t stop infection or transmission especially with viral mutations. May need turbo boosters ad-Infinitum. Natural immunity adjunct with anti-viral drugs, broader epitope memory based mucosal immunity
@ProfPCDoherty 3/- Professor Robert Clancy
Need of efficacious #Covid19 drug protocol therapies, keep people out of hospital and vaccines. Traditional antigen based vaccines Novavax recombinant spike, Chinese inactivated virus clinical trials appear safe,no adverse evt…
Read 7 tweets
Sep 10th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 09/10/2021…
Why Afghan Refugees Aren’t Actually Welcome in California…

#refugees #california #AffordableHousing #consequences
21 Experts on the Future of Expertise: How is expertise being redefined in the modern era?…

#expertise #FutureTrends #consequences
Read 8 tweets
Aug 14th 2021
The #Delta is winning, for the moment, & the Global #coronavirus map shows that we’re failing to fight it. But the #pandemic will be over one day—but the way there is different now 1/
The virus will almost certainly be a permanent part of our lives, even as #vaccines blunt its ability to cause death and severe disease. Most people will meet the virus eventually; we must ensure that as many people as possible do so with two doses of vaccine in them 2/
The vaccines are working and working well. Vaccinated people are indisputably safer than unvaccinated people. But although vaccinated individuals are well protected, highly vaccinated communities can still be vulnerable, for 3 reasons: 3/
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Aug 8th 2021
It is very important in this period of humanity to take a serious look at what is happening in the world friends.

Watch this video first in its entirety & reflect upon current situations critically.

#Menticide is here & with it, a new attempt to establish a "#TechnoTotalitarian" rule over the lives of American citizens.

The final variant of #Coronavirus could very well be the manifestation of a #NewWorldOrder under #totalitarian rule.
That may sound absurd, but what is very concerning is that many talking heads in the media & even public figures are now making very carefully worded emotional appeals to logic to further induce a totalitarian #masspsychosis.
Read 53 tweets
Aug 1st 2021
The Disregard of #InformedConsent and Echoes of Nuremberg Part 2 - “The Great Pivot” - Jab hesitancy is informed, literate, and sophisticated, but government agencies, officials, and politicos pushed false narratives - by @TraderStef 4 #CrushTheStreet #ADE… Image
I am moving "The Great Pivot & Echoes of Nuremberg Part 2" #InformedConsent2 (the thread from @RWMaloneMD's gracious RT ) to my acct original here. Replies were breaking apart/not keeping continuity under his RT. Chronology is now intact. Apology for move. Image
Here is a link to PART 1 of “The Disregard of Informed Consent & Echoes of Nuremberg” (is hash tagged as #InformedConsent). That thread's continuity is intact and extensive, from March 31 to Aug 3.
Read 178 tweets

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