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Hi! Last week our favourite right wing rag, the @MailOnline , wrote a front page exclusive hit piece on me.

Why me? Erā€¦ well no ones really sure. Iā€™m not a doctor. I wasnā€™t on strike.

No doubt it was designed to keep me quiet. No chance. Letā€™s hit piece the hit piece. šŸŽÆ šŸ§µ. Image
Whilst I admire the Daily Mails commitment to gutter journalism, but I will simply have to right some wrongs:

šŸ‘©šŸ»ā€šŸŽ“ Iā€™m not a doctor. I canā€™t strike. I canā€™t picket people. How I therefore joined a ā€˜junior doctor walk outā€™ in March is beyond me.
šŸ I do not somehow live inā€¦ā€¦
šŸŖ§ I have never joined a picket line in my life. They just happened to choose the 1 day I couldnā€™t picket (due to surgery) as a free pass to slam my bikini photos all over the internet for clicks.
šŸ’° I have never ever stated that I did medicine only for the money and I considerā€¦ā€¦
Read 8 tweets
As we ease into the weekend, hereā€™s a round up of what DAUK worked on this week for the medical community in UK and beyond šŸ§µ

@wanderingwelch @drmattuk
#MedTwitter #NHS

Held a members event on Dr Beth Lewisā€™ work in remote areas of Papua New Guinea. Raised nearly 2k during the event for Dr Lewisā€™ work.

Access similar events by becoming a DAUK member, free for Medical students now:

Campaigned against the false narrative in media blaming GPs for A&E waiting list. Raised a formal complaint to IPSO against an inaccurate news item by Daily Mail on this.ā€¦

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My name is Salma, a final year medical student. I took the scenic route after personal circumstances prevented me from taking up my original offer to study medicine at 18. I have worked over 10 jobs to put myself through medical school. #LiveableNHSbursary 1/19šŸ§µ Image
Iā€™m the 1st in my family to go to university and from a widening participation background. Having completed a first degree in clinical sciences (1st class honours & top of my class) ā€“ I was locked out of funding aimed at widening participation students. 2/19
I often worked over full time hours + doing a full-time degree. This obviously took a hit to my mental & physical health. I survived by working, being savvy w/ money, hardship funds, the BMA trust fund, RMBF, discretionary funds, etc - all invasive processes. 3/19
Read 19 tweets

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