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Jun 11th 2023

Alright. After the just awful journalism I have seen in the last few days & some of the just god awful reporting by @samanthamaiden it's time to break down the whole saga that kicked off the review of Parliament

#auspol #thread
To be clear @samanthamaiden works for News Week. A publication own by Rupert Murdoch. A man who has an interest in discrediting abusers of sexual assault. Do I expect her to be judicious in her reporting? Based on how she has treated a rape as her own personal cash cow... NOPE.
Walter Sofronoff had to issue a suppression order when this behaviour interfered with the Commission last month - @samanthamaiden would have been at the top of his list of complaints for picking pieces for clickbait. #auspol #journalism #news 📰📎🗞️🖇️…
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