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May 5th 2023
Chapitre 1 : Le sexe et le genre.

La #transidentité soulève énormément de questions et donne lieu à une...

@hackingsocialfr 1/10 Illustration du chapitre 1,...
@hackingsocialfr ... multitude d’#affirmations qui souvent se contredisent les unes les autres. Je ne suis quant à moi pas surprise de la bousculade ambiante, ce thème étant à peu près le plus perturbant qu’on puisse trouver puisqu’il touche à...

#transgenre #lgbtphobie 2/10
@hackingsocialfr ... l’#identité de chacun et chacune, et qu’il vient remettre en question le fonctionnement même de notre société. Nous pensons tous et toutes avoir une idée claire de ce qu’est un #homme ou une #femme et de...

#sciences #recherche 3/10
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Jul 27th 2021
Next 10 books I intend to read...

Subjects include : #GrowthMindset, #Introversion, #ActiveListening, #Networking, #Coaching, #Change, #SelfEsteem

Let's start ... 👇👇👇
1/ Quiet by Susan Cain (@susancain)

The acclaimed book about introversion

It's been sitting on my bookshelf for 5 years at least.

And I'm finally reading it!
@susancain 2/ Mindset by Carol Dweck

This is the book that popularized the #GrowthMindset concept

I used it to create the concept of the #GrowthBuddy
Read 13 tweets
May 17th 2021
@logseq, you've stolen my heart (well, maybe neurons). a thread... 🧵
i was checking my inbox one day and it turns out i had gotten access to after signing up and getting on their waitlist. so i thought, okay, let's check this out, i'm eager for a new toy.
but a few minutes after opening the application and learning the ropes, i noticed it was another "entry-based" knowledge base, akin to

"mems" are literally structured as discrete pieces of information. they're 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘳𝘴 for information. Image
Read 13 tweets
Dec 1st 2020
'GIVE IT A NAME' - a useful little idea to help students remember feedback. A short thread, with pictures!
The idea: give the error a name and, ideally, a visual metaphor.

The effect: they remember it, identify it accurately in their work and even remember it next time! 1/
The Q here asks Y13 students to offer a synthesized, thematic overview of 130 years of change. One common problem is that they use evidence from too narrow a period. We start by looking at knowledge they could include in the paragraph, expressed as a timeline. 2/
Now. Here's the trick. GIVE THE PROBLEM A NAME. make it a 'thing.' I've called it 'spotlighting.' Many students paragraphs included just the Pill and Roe v Wade, sometimes radical feminism too. They are shining a sharp light on a narrow slice of the story. 3/
Read 7 tweets
Oct 14th 2019
A quick thread on why I make and use algorithms for the evaluation and management of patients in the ED:
#FOAMed #EmergencyMedicine #Metacognition
There are two systems for the processing of illness presentations:
1) Intuitive: rapid, high-capacity, low-effort
2) Analytical: slow, cognitively taxing
In the emergency department, system 1 and system 2 processes are often initiated in parallel and may recur during the ED course.
Read 8 tweets

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