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Sep 29th 2021
Check out our new paper in @nature. We show that at least 25% of the total martian valley network volume formed from catastrophic lake breach floods (1/10):…
Valley networks on #Mars are somewhat analogous to river valleys on Earth but differ morphologically. Maybe this is a sign that instead of forming from precipitation, #martian valleys are a result of groundwater or glacial erosion, or even lava. (2/10)
Alternatively, my co-authors (Goudge et al., 2019) previously showed some valleys formed catastrophically from lake breach flooding. How do we know they were catastrophic? The downstream valley volume closely correlates with the inferred volume of water in the #paleolake (3/10)
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Dec 1st 2020
Scientists Develop Game-Changing Technology That Can Extract Oxygen, Fuel from #Mars' Salty Water…

By @kun5k
Discovering #water on celestial bodies is a pretty big deal—not only because water is a prerequisite for life, but also because the presence of H2O can make these bodies ideal destinations for human #space exploration.

(📸: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ESA/DLR/FU Berlin/MSSS)
One such planet is #Mars,which houses abundant water content.But as the #RedPlanet is very cold,most of its water is frozen;and the water that isn’t frozen exists because its freezing temperature is lowered by the salt from the Martian soil.

(📸:NASA/JPL-Caltech/Univ.of Arizona)
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