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May 19th 2023
They said it was impossible. After decades of #antitrust cases over #PredatoryPricing - selling below cost to kill or prevent competitors - the #ChicagoSchool of neoliberal #economists "proved" predatory pricing didn't exist, so courts could stop busting companies for it.

1/ A giant pile of manure with...
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Predatory pricing - the economists explained - was illegal, but it was also imaginary. A mirage. No one would predatory price, because it was "irrational." Even if someone irrational enough to try it, they would fail. Stand down, American judges - predatory pricing is solved.

Read 68 tweets
Sep 18th 2021
Ben Affleck sells himself as a middle-class guy from Boston who was raised by a single mother. As it turns out, he descends from many aristocratic lines and has serious connections to the intelligence agencies.
A PBS series called Finding Your Roots looked into Affleck’s genealogy. Affleck forced the producers of this show to edit out a relative of his who owned slaves. When the public found out, a major scandal ensued and PBS was forced to suspend the series.
It turns out owning slaves is about the least interesting thing about Affleck's genealogy.
Read 112 tweets
Jul 26th 2021
Matt Damon Seems Genuinely Shocked to Discover Trump Supporters Are “Nice People”… via @WayneDupreeShow I know it’s hard to comprehend, #MattDamon for a mind such as yours, like a dark narrow passageway of cobblestones, a mossy, slippery path. Open up!
I still think he’s hanging on to that Us and Them Mantra.
Maybe he secretly longs for a simpler life and is having a battle with his own preconceived deeply entrenched hatred, I mean Hatred for #realDonaldTrump who is banned from social media. Damon demonized 1/2 of Americans 🇺🇸
Thank You @WayneDupreeShow 🙏🏼😎
My first tweet thread 🧵 o’ the morn 🌞
@threadreaderapp #unroll friends.
Read 3 tweets
Jun 11th 2021
La #Identidad y la #Memoria siempre han sido temas recurrentes en el CINE.

¿Somos lo que DECIDIMOS ser conscientemente o lo que APARENTAMOS inconscientemente?

¿Cuánto de nuestros deseos configura la personalidad desconocida del otro?

Hoy toca #HILO de pelis sobre ello ⬇️⬇️ Image
Los temas de la #memoria, los #recuerdos, la #idealización o la #identidad pueden suponer SPOILERS de la trama en sí...

Avisados quedáis.
#Rebecca (Hitchcock, 1940) Image
Read 100 tweets
Mar 6th 2020
What do these famous faces have in common?

They're related!

Test your knowledge and learn some trivia in this thread of #RelatedCelebs...
Let's start simple. The last name gives this one away.

Comedian @AmySchumer and @SenSchumer are second cousins!

Who said politics couldn't be related to humor?

How about these two?

It looks like humor runs in this family. Comedians @ConanOBrien and @denisleary are third cousins!

Read 11 tweets
Nov 9th 2019
Los estrenos de #Cine para la próxima semana con @taujoaquinok en @Late931Oficial junto a @lolibelotti.
#ContraLoImposible, con @TheOfficialBale y #MattDamon. Shelby y Miles reciben la misión de construir un nuevo automóvil con el fin de derrocar el dominio de Ferrari Image
#LaSabiduria con @GalaCastiglione. Cuenta la historia de tres chicas que en busca de aventura se embarcan en un viaje de fin de semana por la llanura pampeana. Pero el campo las recibe con una historia regada de sangre, violencia y machismo. Image
#ProyectoGeminis con #WillSmith, Henry Brogan es un asesino a sueldo que decide retirarse porque se ha hecho viejo. Pero esto no le va a resultar tan fácil, pues tendrá que enfrentarse a un clon suyo, mucho más joven. Image
Read 5 tweets

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