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Alright, been a busy real job day, but finally time for a #MooseFire update thread. This will be a slow thread, I'll post things as I go through different data sources.
The fire is listed at ~125k acres, growing just over 2k acres yesterday.
🧵I'm only going to focus on the fire as it relates to threatening Salmon. Elsewhere, the fire isn't doing much. Here's today's official PIO map. (I'll call out any official maps I use)
🧵 here's a wider look at MODIS/VIIRS fire detections over the last 24 hours along with perimeter. Most heat is around Leesburg and E towards Salmon.
Read 28 tweets
Alright, we're heading into the evening. Been away from twitter doing the thing that pays the bills for a bit. about to take a look at recent fire info.
TLDR: everything is still burning... Several new fires from last night and this morning. A lot of heat in central Idaho & surrounding area right now.
#MooseFire #RossForkFire #RainbowFire #FourCornersFire #TrailRidgeFire #AllTheOtherFires
I'm anxiously awaiting fresh satellite data for the moose fire. Until then, I don't have anything of substance to add. Salmon is smoked in, can't see a damn thing.
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NEW IR DATA! #MooseFire
This is from the nightly IR Mapping flight, which overflew the fire a couple hours ago at approx 12:15am
Red is previous IR perimeter (which was a very controlled fire weeks ago)
Yellow & Orange are the current blowup
(I'll 🧵 a closer look and comments)
🧵a closer look at fresh IR data shows fire approaching sagebrush in Wallace creek and *just* barely into Jesse creek (Salmon's municipal water source)
It does not appear that fire has crossed the powerline to the south.
I'm *guessing* fire crews will meet the fire at diamond creek road for burnouts. And if weather/visibility permits, I can imagine AM tanker support between fairgrounds and town.
Red flag warning tomorrow... this ain't over.
Read 6 tweets
Ok, let me put on my optimistic hat for a moment for #MooseFire and then, I'm going to do something I try not to do. Speculate. a🧵

First, here's the most recent 🛰️ pass of Tera (MODIS) as of 20 minutes ago. Image
It shows fire well-established E of contingency line. But (optimistic hat) not well established in Jesse Creek drainage. Jesse creek is the town's municipal water supply.
We're seeing a significant change in fire behavior.
it's still *VERY* active, crowning, touching etc.
BUT! (optimistic hat)
it's not a wall of 300' flames like we saw when it crossed the contingency line.
(gonna be a slow thread, juggling a lot, lets look at a map)
Read 12 tweets


This is the scenario we've been dreading for decades. Image
Fire crews will be preparing to light burnouts on the edge of Salmon. This is a worst-case scenario.
#MooseFire approaching salmon now. Uploading video, will post shortly. Image
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"Unfortunately, the ridge road isn't a good position to hold this fire... If it does cross the ridge road, we will be downslope towards Salmon burning above the homes to protect Salmon"

Rough quote from #MooseFire briefing moments ago. 1/2🧵
This basically means, in this weather, it's not safe for crews to try to hold the ridge road fuel break & I agree.

We're at a real risk of losing Salmon's municipal water source tonight. It's up to the wind at this point.

#MooseFire Incident Commander:

"The fire crossed the 300 road a little north of Bear track mine, honestly we don't know know what the rest of the 300 road looks like. We can't even fly it right now."

(I'll continue the 🧵)
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#RossForkFire end-of-day thread:
1/? 🧵
2) we're still hours away from the next higher-res VIIRS 🛰️pass. The latest (good) data I have is from 3:30p (left) and lower res MODIS from 10:30p (right) which doesn't show much heat at all. 🧵 ImageImage
3) if you've seen rumors about Galena & fire in the wood river valley, see this previous thread (I see no evidence for it) and the 10:30 MODIS doesn't support that either.
Read 9 tweets

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