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Apr 15th 2023
The final #MiCA text is here!

After a false alarm on Thursday, when pre-trilogue amendments were mistaken for a new version, we can now take a look at the text that will be voted on by the @Europarl_EN on 20/4

TL;DR - No changes for DeFi, NFTs & stablecoins' caps

A quick 🧵 Image
MiCA will NOT apply to "crypto-asset services provided in a fully decentralised manner without any intermediary"

The @EU_Commission will produce a report in 18 months assessing the "necessity and feasibility of regulating #DeFi" ImageImage
It will also NOT apply to unique and non-fungible tokens, but it WILL apply to fractional #NFTs

Authorities to adopt a "substance over form approach" when classifying NFTs, as their "de facto features" or their "issuance in a large series" could mean they are fungible = captured ImageImage
Read 8 tweets
Feb 12th 2023
WTf is going on in Montana airspace right now⁉️⁉️TFR ISSUED.
🛸 Reminder that Flight restrictions were activated after the UFO shot down over Alaska……
Read 14 tweets
Oct 27th 2022
L’heure du @RevoTips ➡️ Le guide @RevoAvocats du contrôle fiscal en matière de #cryptos 📓 (Part 1)

Quels sont les éléments déclencheurs d’un contrôle #fiscal spécifiques au secteur crypto ?

(1 / )
A partir de cette semaine nous allons publier une série de threads sur le sujet du contrôle fiscal en matière de cryptos.

Cette semaine, on vous parle des éléments qui peuvent inciter l’administration fiscale à déclencher un contrôle fiscal. 🤔
Chiffres clés du contrôle fiscal pour 2021 :

➡️10,7 milliards d’€ encaissés, pour 13,4 milliards d’€ de droits mis en recouvrement

➡️Renforcement du ciblage via #datamining 👨🏻‍💻 👉 à l’origine de 45 % de contrôles contre 32,49 % en 2020
Read 17 tweets
Oct 20th 2022
#RevoTips ➡️ Le Cadre déclaratif des crypto-actifs « #CARF », un nouveau dispositif OCDE de lutte contre la fraude fiscale internationale en matière des cryptos.

Son adoption aura évidemment un impact sur les contrôle, mais en quoi consiste-t-il ?

Après les règlements 🇪🇺 #MICA et #TFR qui visent essentiellement à réguler les cryptos et à les soumettre aux exigences de lutte contre le blanchiment « LCB-FT », l’OCDE 🌍 présente un dispositif international avec un objectif principalement fiscal ➡️ le #CARF.
Le #CARF c’est quoi ?

Un règlement permettant la collecte des informations de nature fiscale sur l’utilisation des cryptos pour l’achat des biens ou services.
Read 14 tweets
Oct 11th 2022
#MiCA was not the only proposal completed last week, as 🇪🇺 institutions also finalised the Transfers-of-Funds Regulation (TFR).

The #TFR is meant to implement the @FATFWatch's #travelrule for transfers of #cryptoassets in the EU.

As always, check our 🧵for details:

First, a bit of #context:

The original Transfers-of-Funds Regulation was established in 2015 and introduced the requirement for financial institutions to accompany each #transfer of funds with verified information about the originator and beneficiary of the transfer.

As part of its 2020 Action Plan on preventing #moneylaundering and #terrorism financing, the @EU_Commission put forward a legislative proposal for a recast of the original #TFR text with the main objective of expanding traceability requirements to crypto-assets.

Read 18 tweets
Oct 10th 2022
15/ Ce 10 Octobre sera voté au conseil 🇪🇺 le règlement #TFR Transfer of Funds Regulation forçant l’identification régalienne des personnes transférant des cryptos jetons sur les places d’échanges.
Exception : les portefeuilles auto hébergés //metamask 😳…
15bis/ Le règlement #TFR a pour but de tracer et fiscaliser TOUS les actifs cryptos
= #surveillance numérique totale sous couvert du LCB-FT (Lutte Contre le Blanchiment et le Financement du Terrorisme).
Cf ce site pour en savoir +
15Ter/ Le règlement #MICA 2 encadre lui les #crypto-actifs (dont les #NFT, #Bitcoin et autres jetons inscrits sur des blockchains).
Toujours le même but : contrôler, fiscaliser interdire sous couvert de lutte contre les escrocs...…
Read 6 tweets
Sep 7th 2022
#RossForkFire end-of-day thread:
1/? 🧵
2) we're still hours away from the next higher-res VIIRS 🛰️pass. The latest (good) data I have is from 3:30p (left) and lower res MODIS from 10:30p (right) which doesn't show much heat at all. 🧵 ImageImage
3) if you've seen rumors about Galena & fire in the wood river valley, see this previous thread (I see no evidence for it) and the 10:30 MODIS doesn't support that either.
Read 9 tweets
Jul 1st 2022
1/ Brief overview of the EU's #MiCA reg that passed Thurs evening. Applaud the effort to provide #clarity in the #crypto space - something we have been requesting for years. But more work to be done. Luckily, there is time to implement the technical text.…
2/ But first, note that both the Council & Parliament press releases contain quotes that call crypto the "Wild West" (🤦‍♀️). Puts you on notice about whether these standards actually allow for continued innovation. (Parliament ☝️ & Council 👇)…
3/ Before I dive in, note that the EU's drive to create crypto regulation was borne out of the #Libra idea, which caused consternation (panic??) across the globe. Much of #MiCA seems somewhat set in that time period-e.g., 2017 called & it wants its "whitepapers" back.
Read 12 tweets
Jun 30th 2022
Yesterday the EU reached agreement on the Transfer of Funds Regulation #TFR. Details are still emerging, but here’s the TLDR: it’s not as bad as it could have been, but it won’t help the EU seize the Web3 Revolution.
We’ve been sounding the alarms on this since April. The TFR has always been a threat to Europeans’ #freedom and #privacy, so we had to call it out and make our voice heard by policymakers:…
We published in-depth research demonstrating how the TFR would violate Europeans’ fundamental rights, expose them to greater risk of harm, and impair Europe’s competitiveness. We also suggested 4 concrete policy proposals:…
Read 12 tweets
Jun 30th 2022
Aujourd'hui, @EUCouncil et le @Europarl_EN adoptent deux régulations :

MiCA (Markets in Crypto-assets Regulation)
TFR (Transfer of Fund Regulation)

TFR a été accepté hier et les dernières discussions sur MiCA ont lieu plus tard ojd.

Suis-moi et lit ce 🧵 pour un brief...
L'UE est la principale juridiction à implémenter des réglementations sur les cryptos et, joue un rôle de standard global.

Ce thread n'est pas complet ; je présente ici ce que je juge être le plus important. N'hésitez pas à rajouter des motions que vous considérez essentiels !).
TFR (Transfer of Fund Regulation)

Le TFR sera implémenté une fois que MiCA est appliqué.

Le Conseil Européen reconnaît que les méthodes d'analyse de conformités des transactions blockchains sont suffisantes pour s'aligner aux règles d'AML.
Read 22 tweets
May 17th 2022
Latest UPDATE on the #TFR (Travel Rule) trilogue:

EU institutions are working to finalise the #TFR text to implement the #travelrule in Europe. Please find below the latest details. The aimed-for deadline for conclusion is still the first week of June.

Key issues on table:

The provisions introduced by the @Europarl_EN requiring #verification of information for each transfer of assets, the additional requirements applied to transfers to #unhosted wallets and the #blacklist of non-compliant entities.

In the past weeks, the @EUCouncil has taken onboard the concerns from the blockchain & crypto #industry, as well as those of regulators and competent #authorities (!), that flagged the impracticality and unintended consequences these provisions would have.

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Apr 27th 2022
Short summary of today's @INATBA_org meeting on #TFR in #Brussels:
@Europarl_EN repeated its concerns and intentions, but did not give in to the objections and counter examples of the #crytpo proponents (and bystanders such as @SofwareAG).

#Crypto proponents were arguing
▪️lack of proportionality (e.g., vis-á-vis cash TX)
▪️undue burden of proof for trivial amounts (no de minimis threshold)
▪️privacy issues for consumers (especially for unhosted wallets

.@EvaKaili (who did a great job of moderating all of this) summarized everything as
▪️excellent discussion today
▪️there certainly is room to maneuver
▪️the two sides have not met today, but...
▪️we will repeat such an discussion meeting at the end of May

Read 6 tweets
Apr 1st 2022
Pour le secteur #crypto, au sens large - PSAN, DeFi, NFT, stablecoins, etc. - le risque d’une règlementation déconnectée des entreprises, inadaptée à l’innovation, disproportionnée quant aux risques réels, aveugles aux opportunités, n’est pas un poisson d’avril.
Cette absence de pragmatisme règlementaire - en ce que les entreprises ne sont au coeur ni de la réflexion ni des préoccupations - conduit assurément l’🇪🇺 dans le mur : en nous plaçant sous une future tutelle numérique et en cédant nos ambitions stratégiques.
Alors que les trilogues sur #MiCA et #TFR vont bientôt commencer, sous Présidence française du Conseil de l’UE pour commencer, l’Adan continuera à porter ses propositions pour une règlementation équilibrée et efficace.
Read 9 tweets
Mar 30th 2022
🚨 The threat of over regulation in Europe 🚨

Although a few weeks ago we were still applauding the European Union after their decision not to ban Proof of Work, today we raise our concerns for a revision of the Transfer of Funds Regulation.

The proposed changes would basically mean the end of unhosted wallets, meaning wallets owned and operated by consumers themselves, for example those offered by the popular MetaMask, Ledger and many others.

Should these changes be accepted, this will stifle innovation in fintech and crypto companies. It is a desperate attempt by the European Parliament to reduce illicit financial activity - which based on research, still happens mostly in cash.

Read 6 tweets
Jun 12th 2021
Ebbene ci siamo.
L'art. 1, c. 157, della Legge di Bilancio 2018 (L. 205/2017) aveva posto le basi per IL "SILENZIOSO SCIPPO" (CIT.) per gli assunti nelle PA post 1/1/2019.
È stato infatti previsto, vista la scarsa alfabetizzazione 1/n
previdenziale e il basso tasso di adesione, che occorresse un intervento "spintaneo", un silenzio-assenso, ad optare per lo spostamento del TFR dal perimetro pubblico a quello privato.
Ecco quindi che il 10/03/2021 è stato firmato il "Patto" (…) 2/n
leggetelo bene quel punto 6: l'implementazione, tra l'altro, delle "forme di previdenza complementare". Chi mai potrebbe essere contrario?
Ecco quindi che, con sospetta solerzia, il 1603/21 l' ARAN convoca per il 26/03/21 le parti sociali per definire bene come attuare la 3/n
Read 4 tweets

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