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Mar 17th 2020
#BSDBGenSoc2020 These days we all have other things in our minds, it is difficult to concentrate and many of my thoughts R w/ family anf friends in #Spain) but discussing our work, is an important part of our being and it is going to be important in the weeks and months to come.
While many, all, of us rather do al this in person, we are going to have to adjust in the weeks to come. #BSDBGenSoc2020 is a good way to explore how we are going to do it so, THANKS @_BSDB_ and @the_Node for organizing and running this.
My Tweetorial follows the phenomenal one from @TimFulton_1 @SteventonLab (with whom @AMA_Lab work closely) this morning and is very related.

And now onto the tweetorial in the form of a loooong thread.
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