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Apr 12th 2019
In honor of #NationalPetDay this thread shows some of the cool findings on #Children and #pets especially #dogs from our research lab @UF
First up: when kids are in a new stressful situation, having their #Dog with them makes them feel less #stress…
#Children who call their #Dog over to be petted have lower levels of the #stress sensitive hormone cortisol than children who don't call their dog or children whose dogs hover around them anyway…
What leads some #Children to pet their #dogs more than other kids? The results may or may not surprise you...
Read 9 tweets
Apr 6th 2018
(1) #PhotoThread: Team Trump current events. April 5, 2018. #MAGA #KeepAmericaGreat

You can find links to all my photo threads at:…

BELOW: #POTUS waves to the WH press corps aboard AF1 returning to DC today, with Deputy Press Sec Hogan Gidley in b/g.
(2) Here's a link to the previous thread, which started on March 22, 2018. Thanks for all your RTs, likes and comments on my photo threads. I enjoy bringing them to you. #MAGA

(3) A red tailed hawk sits on the exterior of the White House on April 3rd. The hawk has created a nest atop the Eisenhower Office Building. (Official WH photo)

The level of Trump administration hawkishness increases today as Ambassador Bolton formally begins his NSA tenure.
Read 31 tweets

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