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Mar 22nd 2020
Hello! I hope you are staying safe and sane in these surreal times. The past 2 weeks have been incredibly stressful, but somehow I've found myself breathing and reading again today. So I'm back with a few #SundayReads recommendations (not all #COVIDー19 I promise!)

"If patriarchy were a sound, it would be the sound of machines. The screeching, shrilling, droning, drilling, alarming, shooting, banging, beeping."

@MsAfropolitan is my favorite blogger for a reason! Read her blog & new book.

#SundayReads #EyalaReads
It doesn't matter what goes on in the world, you can always count on @adventurefrom to tell you how to keep your sex life active and safe through the crisis. Grateful to @nas009 for sharing her tips!

#SundayReads #EyalaReads
Read 8 tweets
Feb 23rd 2020
I've hardly read anything this week - this photo 👇🏾pretty much sums up my week. But I thought about what @Lusukalanga would do to me if I skipped my weekly #EyalaReads thread & decided I like being alive. So here are my #SundayRead suggestions on #WomensRights #Africa #feminism Image
My favorite: @SidrahMay wrote about being a visibly Muslim woman in Canada as a "stereotype-busting-Muslim-girl PR job" she's taken on since childhood. The exhaustion she so beautifully describes feels familiar. In @thismagazine
#SundayRead #EyalaReads
In case you too have been hiding under a rock:
1. @drstellanyanzi is finally free!
2. Her fighting spirit is unwavering.
3. We're switching to #BoldLikeNyanzi
4. Her poetry is 🔥 #NoRosesFromMyMouth published by @SharingUbuntu

#SundayRead #EyalaReads
Read 6 tweets

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