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Jul 16th 2022
/Thread about possible #ad_fraud and how I analyzed it.
I am a big fan of twitter and until now I thought it is a great marketing platform to reaching a good target audience - but I seem to be wrong. But read yourself
For this analysis I used the @newrelic telemetry data platform and the data analyzed are access logs from @fastly where I got some excellent support from.

So our access logs told us: 138k visits in the past week from @Twitter - wow. NOT BAD !!
My motivation in the first place was to help our #marketing team getting more insights into the success of our paid #socialmediamarketing campaigns to make them more successful - getting faster in removing those who don't perform and allow them to experiment.
Read 23 tweets
Jun 26th 2021
Starting the #o11y #bangalore meetup in 15mins

We have started our meetup with Ashok A N talking about migrating a massive legacy org like Cisco Enterprise Network to modern #o11y stacks
Starting off Mesos / Marathon / Metronome with 3K+ hosts
Read 15 tweets
Apr 9th 2019
Interaction Resiliency (iXR) is the practice of Software QA (aka #testing) as applied to "devops" or more properly Safety-II software delivery (aka continuous delivery & continuous deployment).
I put a name to "testing in devops" or "agile testing in continuous delivery" because a) those phrases are clumsy 😀 and b) the current discourse in #testing constantly collapses back on itself as big-A Agile + CDT are conflated time-and-time-again with Safety-II + Kaizen #iXR
#iXRE Interaction Resiliency Engineering
Read 37 tweets
Mar 28th 2019
#ChaosDay19 @mipsytipsy up next with Closing the Loop on Chaos with Observability. [ed: anyone surprised that @mipsytipsy is discussing this?]
#chaosday19 @mipsytipsy is an engineer, founder of @honeycombio, big background in DB Reliability Engineering (she wrote a book)
#chaosday19 @mipsytipsy : "Chaos is a fancy marketing term for running tests later in the software dev lifecycle"
Read 27 tweets
Nov 27th 2018
Next up: Building SRE from scratch during Hypergrowth at Coinbase with @phrawzty and @niallohiggins should be a great overview of the practice and a case study of adoption. #reInvent
Awesome delineation of the purpose of an #SRE : it isn’t to perform the firefighting, pager calls and incident response. It’s in place to help prevent and reduce these. #reInvent
#SRE isn’t just building observability into technical systems but your human and organizational systems as well. Took measurement is critical. #reInvent
Read 16 tweets

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