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Oct 14th 2020
I’ll say it AGAIN for the people in the back... I DON’T WANT A “CURE” FOR #SICKLECELLDISEASE! What I DO want is for our pain to be TREATED NOT IGNORED. I DON’T want to worry about the ER docs labelling me as a drug seeker out of IGNORANCE/BIGOTRY. 1/?
When I come to the ER, I want to be BELIEVED when I say I’m having crisis pain. Followed by PROMPT AND EMERGENT administration of the dose of pain medication I NEED! Sickle Cell crises are an #ActualEMERGENCY and require immediate treatment! More time in pain = MORE COMPLICATIONS
The longer someone is in pain without relief, the more likely they’ll need an admission into the hospital! Also, pain scales are garbage! Personally I measure my pain by my ability to function. If I’m in the ER, I’m not functioning!
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