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Jan 7th 2022
A message to fellow Dharmik Wingers – A Thread
I am not the most enthusiastic retweeter. I post random threads and almost exclusively RT Team TFI members. But we aren’t the world. I am not the only one with a team.
10 years back, the center-right representation was practically non-existent on Social Media. Left Wing Journalists used to set India’s narrative, shamed India internationally, fixed government cabinets, got plum postings and we, we were voiceless.
It took an exceptional group of gentlemen and ladies to build the right narrative in India and now, we as a loose coalition of voices are so strong, that we are being recognized internationally.
Read 11 tweets
Sep 21st 2020
J Sai Deepak: Applicants seek to place befre this Hon’ble Court a Report titled “A Study on Contemporary Standards in Religious Reporting by Mass Media” prepared by @OpIndia_com which captures approx 100 instances of patently false reportage by media

#SudarshanNews #Intervention
J Sai Deepak: There are three issues have been submitted:

1. Question of Jurisdiction
2. What is Hate Speech
3. OpIndia report which tracks the contemporary landscape on the standards set by mass media in religious reporting

#SudarshanNews #Intervention
Justice Indu Malhotra enquire as to who has authored the Report and what are its contents

Mr. @jsaideepak submitted that Report has been prepared by Opindia and that its contents have been put together based on database maintained by Opindia on false religious reportage in media
Read 8 tweets
Sep 5th 2020
In this video I show you how Op India used a 45 seconds clip from @ShekharGupta's Cut The Clutter Video and mischievously edited it to make a narrative that is not only false, but 180 degree opposite to what Mr Gupta said. I welcome @OpIndia_com to correct me if I am wrong.
The point where Mr. Gupta said "several prominent Bloomsbury authors and you'll see those name on screen..." there were screenshots of @DalrympleWill @harikunzru @AatishTaseer etc. In Op India's clip the screenshots are mischievously of @sanjeevsanyal @Sanjay_Dixit etc.
The entire Cut The Clutter video of Mr. Gupta was about blaming the liberal mob of bullying Bloomsbury into withdrawing the book. He completely blamed liberals. And Op India made headline that he is blaming right wing. Here is original video
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