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Jan 16th 2020
Parental involvement in child's learning journey is uncommon in #Pakistan. As the Chairperson of Parents Council 2016of @Gemsfirstpoint I, my team & school worked together 4 the wellbeing of our children. #antibullying policy,core values,parental coffee mornings to name a few...
There is no concept of a Parent Council here. All the work is to be done by the school. Schools don't share the wellbeing and progress of the child with the parents. PTM is the only way to find out. Neither the school nor the parents are interested in forming an alliance...
Parents don't know if their child is suffering from depression, is being bullied, or is under stress. Peer Pressure exists. All we care is the grades. Same is with the school. We may find a career councillor but not a councillor in schools who is actively involved with the kids.
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