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Aug 22nd 2021
#Socialism leads to full Communism.
Paraphrasing Margaret #Thatcher.
How right she was!
President #Daoud brought about a Socialist Secular Revolution after doing a coup d'état against King #Zahir #Shah.
Soon to be followed by his assassination and the #PDPA #Communist takeover!
Well, nobody understood the dangers of collectivism during the Cold War better than General #Pinochet, Late Baroness #Thatcher, and #Lee #Kuan #Yew.
Americans were never really threatened by Marxist-Leninist or Marxist-Maoist Philosophy after the Communists were incarcerated
Ask a countless number of children, women and old, as to how Marxist Insurgencies and later Communist #Dictatorships destroyed their standards of living, and social stability through centralized social engineering.
#Chilean inflation stood around approx 1000% under #Allende.
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