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Derek Jarman´s "Caravaggio": Chiaroscuro, Baroque and the ashes of Pasolini.
#DerekJarman, was a bold and unapologetic filmmaker and artist, highly influenced by Pier Paolo #Pasolini, whose work he emulated in his career. 1.- Image
@Dexfletch 2.-His films, such as "#Caravaggio," pay homage to Pasolini's aesthetic and thematic concerns, while also reflecting his experiences and perspectives as a #gay artist living in #Thatcher's #Britain.
3.-"Caravaggio" is a visually stunning and thematically rich film that remains a highlight of Jarman's career. It is a meditation on the power of #art to transcend time and space, as well as the ephimeral nature of #fame and #celebrity.
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𝗥𝗲𝗱𝗽𝗶𝗹𝗹/𝗠𝗴𝘁𝗼𝘄: meus dois centavos sobre a matéria do Fantástico!

Matéria essa com forte base de viés de confirmação, falácia do nirvana e também com a falácia do espantalho. ⬇️
@MasculinidadeRZ @38bitcoinheiro @DonSandro10 @alan_schramm @R0nih Principalmente quando a jornalista afirma que a "#Redpill é homens que se acham superiores as mulheres."

Para entender a palavra “Matrix“, inicialmente temos que saber sobre as tecnologias utilizadas em redes de computação, matemática e citar dois termos gramaticais. ⬇️
@MasculinidadeRZ @38bitcoinheiro @DonSandro10 @alan_schramm @R0nih O primeiro termo é “Mãe” [Madre; Mother], e o segundo termo é “Geratriz” [Generatrix; Geratrix; Aquela que gera, geradora; Gerador Central]. Portando, tudo está contido dentro da matriz do gerador central.

[Matrix = Motherboard Generatrix] ⬇️
Read 45 tweets
This week on my #podcast, I read #Twiddler, a recent @Medium column in which I delve more deeply into #enshittification, and how it is a pathology of digital platforms, distinct from the rent-seeking of the analog world that preceded it:… 1/ A mandala made from a knob and button-covered control panel.
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
Enshittification, you'll recall, is the lifecycle of the online platform: first, the platform allocates #surpluses to end-users; then, once users are locked in, those surpluses are taken away and given to business-customers. 3/
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1/n #unpopularopinion
Le courant libéral-conservateur est une machine à perdre.
Penser qu’être libéral économiquement mais qu’être [pseudo] conservateur sur les valeurs est à la fois un non sens logique et électoral.
Faire du « #Zemmour allégé » ne mènera qu’à des défaites.
2/n Plus ça va, plus je suis convaincu que #Fillon aurait quand même perdu en 2017 sans les affaires!
Et François-Xavier Bellamy qui a incarné aussi un peu ce courant aux Européennes d’après avait fait un score de 8%!
3/ Et #Zemmour s’est fait écraser à l’ultra-droite par Marine #Lepen en 2022 alors qu’il proposait une vision plus radicale et totalement illibérale sur le sociétal mais avec des mesures libérales sur le seul terrain économique: 7%!
Read 5 tweets
>Maggie Thatcher hatte recht - Es gibt nur Individuen, keine Gesellschaft<



was soll dieser Unsinn?

Nach all den Auswirkungen von 2 Jahrzehnten neoliberaler #Realpolitik & dem daraus resultierenden Rechtsruck grabt Ihr so etwas aus?…
Wer den #Begriff #Gesellschaft gebraucht bedient gemäß dieser Frau Schneider die Narrative des "Sozialismus"?

Sind wir medial in der selektiven #Berichterstattung des zeitgemäßen #Journalismus nun vollständig im #Trumpismus angekommen?
Ist #Soziologie Ausdruck von "Sozialismus!? ❓

Ist unser #Grundgesetz Ausdruck und Manifestation von" #Sozialismus" ❓❗
Read 30 tweets

Si conoscerà domani, all'ora di pranzo, il nome del successore di Boris #Johnson alla guida dei #Tories, e di conseguenza alla testa del governo del #RegnoUnito.

Il Guardian parla espressamente di maratona elettorale che "è sembrata durare cinque anni anziché cinque settimane".
Candidati Conservatori desiderosi di rilevare #BoJo al N° 10 di Downing Street? Otto.
O meglio, 8 quelli riusciti a guadagnare il supporto di 20 parlamentari
#Tories, come richiesto dal regolamento interno di queste particolari "primarie".
Al termine delle cinque votazioni che hanno impegnato i soli eletti, sono rimasti in piedi due candidati: Rishi #Sunak e Liz #Truss.
Read 13 tweets
#Neoliberalism/#UK: "In #Britain, there is the added factor of a move to the political Right that even exceeds the radical #neoliberal changes of the 1980s Margaret #Thatcher era. This coincides with severe socio-economic challenges ...…
... that simply do not fit in with that neoliberal agenda – meaning that the #UK is heading for a crunch among wealthy states over the viability of an economic model that could have worldwide implications."
"Supported by the Tufton Street brigade of neoliberal freethinkers and their wider global community of hundreds more think tanks within the Atlas system, the government has worked hard to maintain the market fundamentalist view."
Read 4 tweets
Part of a common misconception: Europeans have always had a coherent strategy, that is NOT to become militarily independent. That makes sense, but not at the force-on-force level: (/) @Halsrethink @nglinsman @RobertMCutler @vtchakarova @pietercleppe @Danjsalt @moutet
Ostensibly this enabled them to quieten the leftist/pacifist part of their political spectrum (remember the Euromissiles fracas?) but again, that was only a superficial issue. There was a real one tough. (/)
Economically and on a technological level, Europe was perfectly capable of producing a military instrument on a par with WHATEVER US contingent was planned to be deployed to Europe in a conflict.(/)
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How would I rate #, Harold MacMillan, as the PM of the UK?
Excellent sense of humour.
An eloquent speaker!
#Détente between the East and the West became possible due to #Macmillan’s diplomacy and energetic role in international politics.
He was probably a gifted International Relations Practitioner who had an exceptional understanding of issues around the world.
He was remarkably the first to predict an International crisis in the Gulf back in the 1960s after #Kuwait was given independence with a special status.
Read 11 tweets
#Socialism leads to full Communism.
Paraphrasing Margaret #Thatcher.
How right she was!
President #Daoud brought about a Socialist Secular Revolution after doing a coup d'état against King #Zahir #Shah.
Soon to be followed by his assassination and the #PDPA #Communist takeover!
Well, nobody understood the dangers of collectivism during the Cold War better than General #Pinochet, Late Baroness #Thatcher, and #Lee #Kuan #Yew.
Americans were never really threatened by Marxist-Leninist or Marxist-Maoist Philosophy after the Communists were incarcerated
Ask a countless number of children, women and old, as to how Marxist Insurgencies and later Communist #Dictatorships destroyed their standards of living, and social stability through centralized social engineering.
#Chilean inflation stood around approx 1000% under #Allende.
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In #Thatcher's era, I moved from Sheffield, one of the worst-hit cities with its steel industry & nearby mines. Queues around the corner for a single job in a record store. Me, an unemployed graduate, with a huge file of job rejection letters. Female graduates encouraged to...2
2... study for "useful" qualifications - 30 or so of us did a secretarial course. I was still unable to get a job afterwards, so pretty much all 30 of us moved to London where secretarial jobs were a-plenty. The contrast between London & bleak, depressed South Yorkshire was...3
3... huge. I worked for companies in London which offered massive perks, unheard of in Sheffield, like free gourmet-chef cooked lunches, in-house bars, no-expense-spared Xmas parties, etc. If I quit my London job (as I did), I knew I'd find another almost...4
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0/Uno dei settori in cui più chiaramente si capisce che il #neoliberismo ha poco a che fare con la libertà e molto con l’autorità e la disciplina sociale nelle politiche pubbliche è la gestione delle #università
1/Partiamo da un esempio noto e significativo: la gestione delle università inglesi da parte del governo #Thatcher, secondo quando rileva uno dei massimi esperti dell’argomento, Robert Anderson…
2/Esponente di una generazione di Tories meno legata alle élites tradizionali e più alle realtà imprenditoriali emergenti, Thatcher non ha avuto timore di sfidare la tradizionale e quasi completa autonomia gestionale delle comunità accademiche di Oxbridge…
Read 14 tweets
@ivan8848 #Occupy: The #Naked #Truth:

NATO-member Leaders gave Security #Assurances against #NATO #Expansion Eastward to Soviet leaders by among others: #Bush, #Kohl, #Mitterrand and #Thatcher.

NATO Expansion: What #Gorbachev Heard:

"Not an Inch East"

@ivan8848 #Occupy: The #Naked #Truth:

#US officials told #Russian President Boris #Yeltsin in 1993 that the "#Partnership_for_Peace" was the #Alternative to #NATO_expansion, NOT a #Precursor to it:

NATO Expansion: What #Yeltsin Heard:

@ivan8848 #Occupy: The #NAKED #TRUTH:

They are #LIARS. 🤥
& They #KNOW they are LIARS. 🤨
& They know that #WE know they are Liars. 😠
Even so, they #KEEP Lying, very #Loudly so. 😡
(#Najib #Nahfouz)
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And don't think it's not happening in plain sight!
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Steve Hilton gets it
... The #Democracts Norms: "from deplorable to despicable, 4yrs on non-stop hate, they want #Americans they dismiss & demean to rollover & pay homage to the new regime, No"

Real power 'when you change the way people think'
#Thatcher, #Reagan, #Trump -ism
... Triumph of #Trumpism
#American's want #Trump 2nd term on the success of the 1st on its substance & on its results, one of most successful in history: issues addressed (#China #Manufacturing #MiddleEast #OpenBorders #EndlessWar)
... Trumpism is
pro-#Business on #Tax & #Regulation
pro-#Worker on #Trade & #Immigration

Andrew Sullivan: "Trump's core message was seared into one of our major political parties for the foreseeable #future & realigned #American #Politics"
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🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 A los 85 años, falleció Jack Charlton, leyenda del @leeds y campeón del mundo con la #Inglaterra en 1966. Además, conocido como el inglés más querido de #Irlanda, Charlton hizo historia dirigiendo a la selección irlandesa, llevándola a los cuartos del Mundial de Italia 1990. Image
En épocas de Margaret #Thatcher y cuando dirigía al @Newcastle_MI, #Charlton defendio a la Unión Nacional de Mineros y bancó la histórica huelga de mineros de 1984/85 contra el cierre de pozos. Image
Además, en 1977 #Charlton se sumó a la campaña de la Liga Anti Nazi contra el Frente Nacional ( FN ) partido político fascista de extrema derecha. Image
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A thread about Scotland, solidarity against dictatorship, and the connection between Chilean fascism and the disaster of Brexit. 🧐✊🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇻🇳🇨🇱#NaePasaran #StopFascism #Brexit #ToriesOut #solidarity #history
I recently saw the extraordinary film “Nae Pasaran”, a powerful, deeply moving story of Scottish workers standing up to the fascist dictatorship in Chile in the 1970s… 🤓✊🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇻🇳🇨🇱 #NaePasaran #StopFascism #solidarity #Scotland #Chile @debasersfilms @naepasaran
One day in March 1974, an engineer at the Rolls Royce plant in East Kilbride, near Glasgow, noticed that there were Chilean aircraft engines in the production line, waiting to be refurbished. They were from Hawker Hunter jets owned by the Chilean Air Force. 😀✊🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇻🇳 #Scotland
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The country loves a #villain when they get stuff done regardless of which rules are broken. But when that villain turns against the mood of the nation, we are reminded that honest values, rules and laws do matter. 1/2
Hoping this crisis can signal a turning point and time for #calm; to send a clear message to would be villains that this is not how we expect our country to behave. That we are better when we get stuff done in an orderly, organised and truly #responsible way. 2/2
The mood does remind me of #Thatcher's #polltaxgate when a #villain loved my many, had gone on for too long and turned against the mood of the nation. Maybe #cummingsgate does become that historical tuning point?
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A short thread on Tory rotter Cecil Parkinson, illustrating why the Conservative Party must be *destroyed* to save the country… (pic shows him with Mrs Fascister in 1983). 😖✊🇪🇺🇻🇳 #ToriesOut #cad #ToriesLie #COVID19 #Parkinson #rotter #ToryShambles
Parkinson was a chartered accountant, and made a pile of money from establishing Parkinson-Hart Securities in 1961. He then entered Parliament in 1970; a normal career path for a Tory obsessed with money & power… 🙄 #ToriesOut #greed #gross 🇪🇺🇻🇳
As is extremely well-known, Parkinson had an affair with Sara Keays, his secretary in Parliament. He resigned his Cabinet post in October 1983, when news of her pregnancy became public. 😐✊🇻🇳🇪🇺 #ToriesOut #hypocrites #liars #ToryShambles
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A thread about the English Establishment, state psychopathy, #COVID19… and why it really matters how people in power think. 🧐✊🇪🇺🇻🇳#history #ToriesOut #resist 🦠
The popular idea of a colonial official during the British Empire days was of a paternal figure dispensing justice and spreading civilisation, as in the 1935 film “Sanders of the River” (see pic), a grossly patronising tale set in colonial #Nigeria... 😬🇳🇬 #BritishEmpire #Korda
The reality was, of course, very different. Consider the work of Charles Callwell, a British soldier with much colonial experience, pictured here on the WWI Caucasus Front as a Major-General in 1916. #Callwell #SmallWars #ColonialViolence 🇹🇷🇷🇺
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Power Versus the Press: The Extradition Cases of #Pinochet & #Assange…
This article is an updated take on a piece published last year.
"Citing the aging Pinochet’s inability to stand trial, the UK in 2000 ultimately prevented him from being extradited to Spain where he would have faced prosecution for human rights abuses."
Read 15 tweets
Have you heard of #Hotelling’s Law? In a two party system, it says that you get most votes by minimising the political distance between the parties. It’s worked well in the past, but it’s about to bring an end to both #Labour and the #Tory party. 1/n…
Hotelling’s law worked really well for Tony #Blair. #Thatcher had moved the Tory party to the right, so #NewLabour had an opportunity to increase its vote share by also moving rightwards. 2/n
Politics had shifted. Both parties held broadly similar policies. Blair’s political stance, although to the left of Thatcher’s, was much further right than any Labour leader previously (or since). Labour was able to capture ground that the Tories had left unguarded. 3/n
Read 12 tweets

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