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A friend sent me a video that is apparently making the rounds. It's titled "#Modi the Boss," and features various world leaders praising Modi's popularity and greeting him.

Modi's #Bhakts are clearly in orgasmic bliss with this, and opponents say it's pure propaganda.

But there's more to this than meets the eye.

1. It's a fact that Modi's popularity fills world leaders with awe. They would give an arm and a leg to be as popular in their countries as Modi is in India. He can screw up worse than anyone can imagine and still be popular.

2. In contrast, leaders of most world democracies have to worry about the #economy, #jobs, #Unemployment, #prices, #inflation, #recession, etc. If anything goes wrong with these, they might lose the next #election.

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📹 Scene di normalità in #Ucraina, il Paese che ha vinto il premio #Sacharov al posto di Assange. Un funzionario pubblico viene arrestato in maniera sommaria e plateale durante una riunione con il sindaco di Nikolaev.

Basta una semplice #delazione sugli appositi canali Telegram o una pubblicazione sui social per far scattare l'accusa di #collaborazionismo.

📍Questi #rastrellamenti avvengono quotidianamente, basta iscriversi al canale Telegram dell'SBU perché i filmati degli #arresti vengono utilizzati come materiale #propagandistico.

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Un poco de historia sobre las Forestales.

En 1973 el ingeniero forestal Julio Ponce Lerou estaba casado con Verónica Pinochet Hiriart, y era un empleado mas de Inforsa (Industrias Forestales SA). [🧵] ☟
Cuando su suegro se hizo del poder, lo nombró jefe nacional de #CONAF, institución que se hizo cargo de la desaparecida CORA (Corporación de la Reforma Agraria), para llevar adelante la contra-reforma agraria, es decir, ☟
devolverle a los latifundistas los campos que habían pasado a propiedad estatal de la CORA en los gobiernos de Freí y Allende.
En la zona de Arauco devolvió campos a la familia Ebensperger. Cabe aclarar que el general Carlos Forestier, ☟
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#Socialism leads to full Communism.
Paraphrasing Margaret #Thatcher.
How right she was!
President #Daoud brought about a Socialist Secular Revolution after doing a coup d'état against King #Zahir #Shah.
Soon to be followed by his assassination and the #PDPA #Communist takeover!
Well, nobody understood the dangers of collectivism during the Cold War better than General #Pinochet, Late Baroness #Thatcher, and #Lee #Kuan #Yew.
Americans were never really threatened by Marxist-Leninist or Marxist-Maoist Philosophy after the Communists were incarcerated
Ask a countless number of children, women and old, as to how Marxist Insurgencies and later Communist #Dictatorships destroyed their standards of living, and social stability through centralized social engineering.
#Chilean inflation stood around approx 1000% under #Allende.
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Sul @fattoquotidiano di oggi @marcotravaglio pubblica un nuovo panegirico dello stupratore fascio-razzista #Montanelli, cercando di accreditarlo come antirazzista.

La realtà è che M. era profondamente razzista, oltre che un opportunista, che
scriveva quello che gli faceva comodo, ancor più di quello che faceva piacere ai potenti.

Una semplice dimostrazione del razzismo di M. è in uno schifoso articolo di dicembre dell'anno successivo l'incontro, a cui Travaglio crede.

Montanelli è uno
che s'inventa cose, millanta, mistifica, cambia versione e mente.

Persino nel suo C.V. s'inventa impieghi falsi, così come era falso il suo incontro a Berlino con Hitler, così come chiama Fatima Destà e prima le attribuisce 12 anni e poi 14.
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Les liens avérés entre le Rassemblement National et Génération Identitaire, condamné pour haine raciale et sa violence : de community manager à.. candidat.


2021. M. Van Liempd, directeur de campagne et numéro 2 de la liste nantaise du RN aux municipales 2020 frappe plusieurs hommes au sol armé d'une matraque télescopique.

Il agit à visage découvert et publie l'attaque sur les réseaux sociaux.

60/… ImageImageImage
2021. Salut nazi, képi de SS, quelques images de Cassandre Fristot, la femme portant une pancarte antisémite lors des manifestations contre le pass-sanitaire.

Cadre du FN, elle était chef de cabinet de Louis Alliot.


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Ayer el presidente de Chile🇨🇱 @sebatianpinera hizo una GRAVE DENUNCIA tras los ataques que las #RAM (Fuerza Ancestral Mapuche) también llamadas #CAM, a raíz de los últimos atentados en la #Araucanía
El TERROR que ya denunciaba @PatoBullrich🇦🇷
Al principio también sentí cierta reticencia hacia @PatoBullrich como exministra de seguridad. No estaba tan convencido de que realmente “esa la Piba” que desafió a Moyano en el programa de Mariano Grondona, había dejado atrás a “la joven”. El #PJ✌️no dio chances. Pero la apoyé.
Lo cierto es que muchos políticos y la brutal embestida del fundamentalísimo K) criticaba a @PatoBullrich cuando empezó a definir a las #RAM como a grupos terroristas.
Incluso desde adentro de #JxC tuvo quejas, y ni hablar del grueso del periodismo.
#Piñera agregó además que:
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1. Last September,I gave evidence as a witness of fact in the Julian #Assange #ExtraditionHearing, and I reconstructed, among other things, how the US #Cables allow to reveal what happened behind the scene in the #extraordinaryRendition of the Milan cleric, #AbuOmar
2. the US diplomacy #cables revealed by #WikiLeaks allow to expose how the US put pressure on Italian politicians,both conservative and progressive,to grant #impunity to 26 US nationals, almost all of them, #CIA agents involved in the #extraordinaryRendition of #AbuOmar
3. we Italian journalists could guess such pressures by the US on our politics, however, without #WikiLeaks' cables, we would have never ever been able to get evidence. It was amazing when I got access to the #WikiLeaks cables and found such evidence: a journalist's dream
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*Claves de "lo que viene" tras la aprobación de Constituyente para hacer nueva Constitución en #Chile*
✔️El 78,27% APROBÓ cambiar la Constitución de #Pinochet.
✔️ La participación fue cercana a 7,5 millones de electores, más del 50% y es la mayor desde que el voto es voluntario. Image
✔️ El organismo que redactará la nueva Constitución es la Convención Constitucional o Constituyente y estará integrada por 155 miembros electos en votación universal, directa y secreta.
✔️ La elección de los constituyentes será el 11 de abril de 2021. Image
✔️ Se elegirán bajo el mismo distritaje de la Cámara de Diputados -el país se divide en 28 distritos que eligen de 3 a 8 representantes de acuerdo a la cantidad de habitantes).
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🇨🇱 Hoje faz 47 anos que o #Chile mergulhou em um dos períodos mais nefastos de sua história. #Pinochet, financiado pelos Estados Unidos, aplica um golpe que leva ao suicídio de Salvador #Allende e põe uma junta militar no comando do maior produtor de cobre do mundo.+ Image
“Decidi. Vamos tirar Allende”, foi o que disse o então presidente dos EUA Richard #Nixon a um de seus assessores dois anos antes do dia 11 de #setembro de 1973. Medidas como a nacionalização das reservas de cobre, a estatização de empresas estratégicas e a #ReformaAgrária +
foram algumas das que desagradaram a #CasaBranca.
Reza o Destino Manifesto que a América é para os “americanos” (do Norte, claro). Portanto, Allende era inaceitável. A resposta ao seu governo foram 17 anos de uma ditadura sangrenta que aprofunda a dependência que pode ser vista+
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1. I think Italian columnists accusing #Snowden of covering up the deaths of innocent people like #Nemtsov and other #Russian dissidents exemplifies how reactionary Italian journalism.
2. Back in '70s, Italy granted #asylum to political dissidents escaping from #Pinochet's Chile. In those days Italy had governments involved in political homicides(Pecorelli, etc) and the so-called #StrategyOfTension's TerrorAttacks(#PiazzaFontana,#Italicus,#Brescia,#Bologna)
3. Have we ever asked political dissidents escaping from #Pinochet's Chile who had got asylum from #Italy to condemn the criminality of the Italian institutions involved in the political homicides or in the #StrategyOfTension's #TerrorAttacks? NEVER ever
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1 .@bbhorne dear Lorax, I just want to clarify that my argument goes beyond #WikiLeaks: I think ALL media orgs and ALL sorts of journalists should have the right to communicate internally and with sources PRIVATELY: unless we protect our comms, no one will talk to us anymore
2. .@bbhorne if tomorrow someone publishes #DDoSecrets' internal comms, I will defend your right to communicate privately internally and with sources. I also defend the right to communicate privately for lawyers and clerics
3. .@bbhorne of course,if journalists/lawyers/clerics are involved in serious crimes or serious ethical violations, I agree that prosecutors and journalists have the right to violate the privacy of their comms. As for diplomats, things are different
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🇨🇱 Hoy cumple 70 años “El Rey del metro cuadrado” Carlos #Caszely, el goleador chileno que se plantó a la dictadura y desafió a #Pinochet. Image
Idolo total del @ColoColo y de la selección de #Chile, Caszely ganó 8 títulos con el club colocolino y fue la gran figura de "El equipo que retrasó el golpe" que jugo la Copa Libertadores del 73, perdiendo la final con #Independiente. ImageImageImageImage
El goleador pertenecio al equipo del 73 de Colo Colo, al que algunos sostienen que cada vez que jugaba mantenia a Chile unido en un contexto de fuerte tension política. Ademas como el equipo estaba muy vinculado con Allende,cada vez que ganaba traía tranquilidad a las autoridades Image
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A lo largo de la semana les contamos sobre la Beca #CosechaAnfibia, la nueva propuesta que lanzamos junto a @revistaanfibia ANFIBIA. Lo que todavía no saben es que lxs 16 becarixs que participen de ella serán elegidos por un jurado. En este hilo les contamos quiénes son 👇 Image
🔺@rossanareguillo es doctora en Ciencias Sociales por la @udg_oficial. Es especialista en estudios de la juventud, la ciudad como espacio social y el miedo como construcción social. [FOTO HORIZONTAL ROSSANA] Image
Con @Signa_Lab (@ITESO) modificó la escena académica de la comunicación: sus análisis de #BigData ponen contra las cuerdas a los poderes mexicanos. Recibió el Premio Nacional de Antropología a la mejor investigación y el Iberoamericano a la investigación municipal y regional.
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1. rispondo a chi mi ha criticato sul cablo del 1978 in cui #Montanelli dice alla diplomazia USA: meglio un #Pinochet che un governo del #PCI. Il cablo originale è qui (inglese):… è stato desecretato dalle stesse autorità USA e ripubblicato da #WikiLeaks
2. la critica che mi è stata fatta privatamente è la seguente: lei difende la #privacy e poi diffonde il cablo di un giornalista che parla confidenzialmente con una sua fonte?
3. il giornalista #Montanelli NON parlava con una sua fonte,parlava con diplomazia della più grande potenza mondiale,che ha OBBLIGHI di trasparenza. La conversazione #Montanelli -diplomatici USA è del 1978:Dipartimento Stato l'ha desecretata dopo ben 36 ANNI
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A thread about Scotland, solidarity against dictatorship, and the connection between Chilean fascism and the disaster of Brexit. 🧐✊🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇻🇳🇨🇱#NaePasaran #StopFascism #Brexit #ToriesOut #solidarity #history
I recently saw the extraordinary film “Nae Pasaran”, a powerful, deeply moving story of Scottish workers standing up to the fascist dictatorship in Chile in the 1970s… 🤓✊🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇻🇳🇨🇱 #NaePasaran #StopFascism #solidarity #Scotland #Chile @debasersfilms @naepasaran
One day in March 1974, an engineer at the Rolls Royce plant in East Kilbride, near Glasgow, noticed that there were Chilean aircraft engines in the production line, waiting to be refurbished. They were from Hawker Hunter jets owned by the Chilean Air Force. 😀✊🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇻🇳 #Scotland
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🇨🇱⛏️ En el día de su nacimiento, vamos a hablarles de la historia política del club @ClubDepCobresal, el club minero nacido en la dictadura de #Pinochet y que fue resignificado por sus socios.

#Cobresal, Fuerza y temple minero! Image
Creado en 1979 x decisión de #Pinochet y con dinero de la empresa minera estatal de cobre Codelco. Él sabia q los mineros de #Chile podian representarle un problema político. Por eso la decisión de crear clubes como forma de control social y de propaganda politica de la dictadura Image
#Cobresal se fundó en ese mismo asentamiento minero llamado El Salvador, con una población de 6 mil habitantes y ubicada en uno de los lugares más remotos de la tierra, un cerro en el desierto de #Atacama.
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8.🗣️📢Alert World leaders, citizens of the world, is attempting a coup d'état in #Bolivia.
🗣️📢Do not let that happen.
🗣️📢Evo Morales is one of the great leaders of the 21st century.
🗣️📢Protect democracy
🗣️📢Protect Bolivia
#regimechange #ProtectBolivia #ProtectDemocracy
1. 🗣️📢Alert World leaders, citizens of the world, is attempting a coup d'état in #Bolivia.
🗣️📢Do not let that happen.
🗣️📢Evo Morales is one of the great leaders of the 21st century.
🗣️📢Protect democracy
🗣️📢Protect Bolivia…
2. 🗣️📢Alert World leaders, citizens of the world, is attempting a coup d'état in #Bolivia.
🗣️📢Do not let that happen.
🗣️📢Evo Morales is one of the great leaders of the 21st century.
🗣️📢Protect democracy
🗣️📢Protect Bolivia…
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THREAD: What the #US media won't tell you about the popular rebellion in #Chile.

In 1973, #Nixon/#Kissinger provoked a coup to overthrow the democratically elected #socialist government of Salvador #Allende, leading to the 17-year nightmare of the #Pinochet dictatorship.
In addition to torturing, disappearing, and murdering thousands of dissidents, Pinochet turned #Chile into a laboratory experiment for #neoliberalism. With the help of Milton #Friedman and the "Chicago Boys," they set to work privatizing everything they could get their hands on.
Health, education, pensions, roads, even WATER-everything was sold off to #Pinochet's cronies. #Chile became the shining, model state for our new, post-Keynesian world. That this only could've happened by installing a #fascist dictatorship was omitted.…
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#THREAD Tension is high in #Chile as large demonstrations are taking place in many cities, following days of incidents culminated with the state of emergency being declared and curfew (for the first time since the dictatorship) being issued👇

High school students in Santiago peacefully begun #EvasionMasiva against surges in metro fares, which was met with harsh response by #CarabinerosDeChile (military police), here inside a metro car at Vicente Valdes metro station:…
Army units were deployed to #Santiago early on Oct. 19, where they soon made use of their individual weapons. In this video shots are fired next to Del Sol metro station. The truck drives NW passing underneath a bridge here:…
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#Chili #Santiago Le réseau de métro est à l'arrêt. La hausse du prix (depuis le 06/10) a provoqué des manifestations et débordements cette semaine. "Les conditions minimales de sécurité ne sont pas réunies pour protéger les passagers et les travailleurs" selon @metrodesantiago
@metrodesantiago L'exécutif condamne "le vandalisme", selon les mots du ministre de l'intérieur @andreschadwickp "C'est le devoir du gouvernement de maintenir l'ordre public". La loi de sécurité de l'État (LSE) invoquée #EvasionMasiva
@metrodesantiago @andreschadwickp En signe de soutien au mouvement de contestation, le concert de casseroles a commencé à #Santiago #EvasionMasiva #cacelorazo #Chili #Chile
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Power Versus the Press: The Extradition Cases of #Pinochet & #Assange…
This article is an updated take on a piece published last year.
"Citing the aging Pinochet’s inability to stand trial, the UK in 2000 ultimately prevented him from being extradited to Spain where he would have faced prosecution for human rights abuses."
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The plethora of crimes committed during the military dictatorship of Augusto #Pinochet in Chile between 1973 and 1990 were exactly the type of abuse of power that Julian Assange would uniquely expose through #WikiLeaks
Both Assange and Pinochet have battled against extradition from the #UK, with vastly different outcomes and contrasting positions taken by the UK govt. The UK supported Pinochet, a human-rights abuser, and persecuted #Assange, a journalist who has exposed crimes of the powerful.
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