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Sep 29th 2021
Greta is my heroine: the child in the #HansChristianAndersen story of the Emperor's New Clothes, pointing out what those in positions of power & privilege are blind to, which in our case (& no fairytale) is that our civilisation is committing suicide.
Greta recognises our civilisation is committing suicide in failing to take #ClimateChange seriously enough, but I don't think she yet understands the underlying cause, as I do, being a lot older than her.

But hopefully she soon will, & help initiate a #SustainabilityRevolution.
Read 5 tweets
Sep 23rd 2020
#PrinceCharles, the #PrinceOfWales, is a classic example of someone who is massively privileged by #BigBrother & #TheMatrix of state & capital, while at the same time being enslaved to them. Notwithstanding that we are ALL enslaved in much the same manner.
I wouldn't want to change places with him, nor he with me, because be has been taught to accept his enslavement as a duty to his nation.

Only, Britain is no nation, but a mercenary #PatronState, deceitfully posing as a nation, in order to trick us into loving Big Brother.
If Prince Charles were to recognise this, we could work together in liberating ourselves, our people, & all humanity, & instigating a #SustainabilityRevolution while we are about it.
Read 3 tweets

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