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Dec 13th 2021
¿Tienes menores adolescentes activos en redes?

Quizás te gustaría saber que las claves (y hashtags) “Ana” y “Mia” son códigos de comunidades digitales A FAVOR DE LA ANOREXIA Y DE LA BULIMIA.

Siguiendo estas palabras, tus peques pueden descubrir cosas tan educativas como:
⚠️Esconder los efectos de la desnutrición todo el tiempo posible (para que la familia no se entere)
⚠️Impedir las marcas visibles de vomitar por costumbre
⚠️Qué responder en una entrevista escolar para que no te pillen
⚠️Cómo fingir no tener estos trastornos
⚠️Disimular aliento
Si encuentras una de estas páginas “proana” o “promia”, recuerda que son culpables de incontables casos de trastornos alimenticios graves muy enraizados (y de no pocas muertes).

Que tu desconocimiento no desproteja a tus hijos: ahora ya sabes quienes son Ana y Mia..
Read 11 tweets
Aug 23rd 2020
A thread of the 6 stages of ketosis (fasting!)
#edtwt #thinspo #meanspo #bonespo #sweetspo #proana*
*DO NOT SUPPORT but this is really important for safety and education when fasting 💕

Image is the chemical compound of a ketogen ! Image
Stage 1

By 12 hrs, your body has stopped burning sugar (glucose) and has started burning fat instead, as an energy source.
Stage 2

Just like stage one, but ✨spicier✨ and more intense fat burning as there is little to no trace of sugar (glucose) left at all and your body is solely relying on fat to keep it going, therefor burning it!
Read 8 tweets
Jul 7th 2020
THE MODEL ROUTINE: A Diet Regimen + Simulation Thread

[inspired by @dollkgs ] #proana #edtwt ImageImage
WARNING: This is an eating disorder related thread. Do not use this as a diet if you do not have an ED. This is a “diet routine” where you are treated as a model, and is obviously not real.
Welcome! You have been scouted by LITE Modeling Agency. We have locations all over the world and are excited to welcome you to our team! Our models are known for their tasteful fashion, strict routines, and of course, amazing bodies.
Read 22 tweets

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