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Oct 9th 2022
Waivers Placements Oct 9 2022
(There's a lot! 64 Total Placements)

Josh Mahura

Cam Dineen
Bokondji Imama
Laurent Dauphin
Jon Gillies

Mike Reilly
Chris Wagner
Nick Foligno

Emil Bemstron

Buddy Robinson
Waivers Placements Oct 9, 2022

Mikhail Maltsev
Anton Blidh

Will Butcher

Givani Smith
Juho Olkinuora
Taro Hirose
Kyle Criscuolo

Devin Shore

Alex Lyon
Michael Del Zotto
Chris Tierney
Gerald Mayhew
Aleksi Heponiemi
Lucas Carlsson
Waivers Placements Oct 9, 2022

Pheonix Copley
Jacob Moverare

Mason Shaw
Nic Petan

Corey Schueneman
Madison Bowey

Mason Geertsen

Mark Jankowski
Jimmy Huntington
Roland McKeown
Kevin Gravel
Jordan Gross
Connor Ingram
Read 6 tweets
Aug 23rd 2022
[THREAD] - #Pakistan 🇵🇰

Tehrik-i #Taliban Pakistan (#TTP) released a new video of militants' training .

Some militants can be seen with ex-#ANA weapons from #Afghanistan including M24 sniper rifle, M4 carbines with Trijicon ACOG scopes and M16A4 rifle with thermal scope.

Additionally militants can be seen while operating DShKM heavy machine guns, 107mm Type 85 single-tube rocket launcher and a B-10 pattern 82mm recoilless rifle (likely its Chinese copy: Type 65/-1).

Also a couple of militants can be seen while carrying an uncommon Pakistani POF-made weapons.

These weapons appear to be an MP5P3 submachine gun (MP5A3 clone) and an MG1A3 machine gun (MG3 clone).

Read 6 tweets
Dec 29th 2021
Nixon on Larry King Live 1990 via @YouTube
With all his faux pas and shortcomings.
#Nixon was a great statesman and a natural diplomat.
He understood the world better than most of his predecessors.
After him, the USA has not been able to mimic another leader like him in the Oval Office.
I am not being satirical.
#Nixon and his #Domino Theory in Former French Indochina turned out to be quite right.
After the Americans left the region, both #Laos and #Cambodia fell into Communists hands.
South #Vietnam fell as well.
The remarkable resemblance with Modern Day #Afghanistan.
Read 12 tweets
Dec 13th 2021
¿Tienes menores adolescentes activos en redes?

Quizás te gustaría saber que las claves (y hashtags) “Ana” y “Mia” son códigos de comunidades digitales A FAVOR DE LA ANOREXIA Y DE LA BULIMIA.

Siguiendo estas palabras, tus peques pueden descubrir cosas tan educativas como:
⚠️Esconder los efectos de la desnutrición todo el tiempo posible (para que la familia no se entere)
⚠️Impedir las marcas visibles de vomitar por costumbre
⚠️Qué responder en una entrevista escolar para que no te pillen
⚠️Cómo fingir no tener estos trastornos
⚠️Disimular aliento
Si encuentras una de estas páginas “proana” o “promia”, recuerda que son culpables de incontables casos de trastornos alimenticios graves muy enraizados (y de no pocas muertes).

Que tu desconocimiento no desproteja a tus hijos: ahora ya sabes quienes son Ana y Mia..
Read 11 tweets
Sep 1st 2021
#BREAKING Qatar urges Taliban to ensure 'safe passage' for people leaving Afghanistan
#UPDATE Qatar on Wednesday urged the Taliban to ensure "safe passage" for people still wanting to leave #Afghanistan after the chaotic US-led evacuations came to an end
#UPDATE Graphic on the number of #Humvee vehicles sent by the US to the now-defunct Afghan National Army (#ANA) from late 2019 to June 2021, according data from SIGAR quarterly reports
Read 8 tweets
Aug 25th 2021
Analysis :

#Afghanistan’s #SmallArms Black Market and its threats for Neighboring Countries

From 2001 till 2021, the #US and its allies have delivered billions of dollars of small arms and weapons to the Afghan National Army. Image
With the #Taliban overcoming #Afghanistan and capturing the arsenals of the #ANA, the danger of those weapons reaching the black market has been rising. Some of those weapons and kits are much more advanced than Afghanistan’s neighbors.
Here we will talk about the small arms and accessories which have been captured by the Taliban and the samples if they would reach the black market they will play an imminent threat to the security,
Read 12 tweets
Jul 16th 2021
1/ Understanding #ANA #tweetorial a collab w/ @MithuRheum
You are seeing a 30yo patient in the clinic who is ? an elevated ANA titer. A few months ago she had 2 weeks of joint pains & a rash. As part of the evaluation, an ANA was+ with a titer of 1:80. What do you do next?
2/ The goal of this tweetorial is to understand the significance of ANA
What is ANA?
What are the rheumatological and non-rheumatologic causes of ANA elevation?
What is the significance of the ANA titer?
What is the significance of the pattern of ANA elevation?
3/ ANA stands for antinuclear antibodies. What is in the nucleus? @sargsyanz reminds us that there are a lot of things in the nucleus, so a positive ANA could indicate antibodies targeting any of these structures.
Read 18 tweets
Jun 21st 2021
At my count, the #Taliban have captured 30+ districts across #Afghanistan in 48hrs -- 100s of #ANA forces have surrendered & handed over bases, arms depots, weapons & vehicles.

The pace of the #Taliban's advance since the U.S. withdrawal announcement is shocking.
According to @oryxspioenkop, the #ANA has handed over 83 U.S-provided Humvees to the #Taliban in the past 3 days alone.

Over the past 3 weeks: 149 Humvees.

Meaningful numbers of howitzers have been surrendered too.
@oryxspioenkop Since the U.S. withdrawal announcement, the #Taliban has taken control of 75+ districts across #Afghanistan -- that's ~20% of the country.

The most movement has been in the north -- in Faryab & Kunduz, where the #Taliban now enjoy almost unchallenged freedom of movement.
Read 9 tweets
Nov 29th 2020
Did you miss the talk "Panorama of #lupus in 2020?" I did yesterday for @LupusEurope?

No worries, I'm starting a #tweeter #SLE #thread so that you can pick up the slides you're interested in 👍

Check below for the SLIDES ⬇️
Slide #1
Current classification of #Lupus
Slide #2
What is #lupus #SLE
Read 18 tweets
Oct 9th 2020
1-#Atabey19 "O'nun nurunun misali,içinde çerağ bulunan bir kandil gibidir; çerağ bir sırça içerisindedir;sırça,sanki incimsi bir yıldızdır ki,doğuya da,batıya da ait olmayan kutlu bir zeytin ağacından yakılır;(bu öyle bir ağaç ki)neredeyse ateş ona dokunmasa da yağı ışık verir."
2-NUR 35 .. Plaka Mir'in Izi ..
O nur üstüne nurdur. Ama O’nun nurunun bir misali vardır. Ne doğuya ne batıya nispeti iltisakı olmayan bir ağaç/ şecer yani bir soy var! Bu soydan bir zeytin var, Tin suresine atfen TİNZEY XY BİR ATA !
XY > Alfa-Omega Asil Kan..
3-Bu atanın yağı yani o atanın torunları
(Selam #Atabeye ) var!
Nar onlara ilişemez, onlar parlar parlar, ışık olur fener olur Kağan olur buduna.
Hanım Hey!
Kağanım Hey! Tengri yüzümüze bolsun, Tengri biz menen…. ![Alıntı]
Read 11 tweets
Apr 19th 2020
#RapaNui, quizá más conocida como #IsladePascua, es un gran misterio para muchas personas...

Empecemos por situar en el mapa 📍 este maravilloso lugar antes de intentar entender que esconde.

Rapa Nui es una isla situada en el océano Pacífico. 3600 km mar adentro desde #Chile
Es una isla de origen volcánico, con menos de 170 km2 de superficie total 🌋

Pese a su tamaño, Rapa Nui alberga una de las culturas que más ha intrigado a las investigadoras desde hace muchos años y a unos habitantes singulares... Los #Moais 🗿
Os preguntareis, ¿cómo llegaron a la isla y desde donde? Esa pregunta se la han estado haciendo las investigadoras hasta hace poco.

El poblamiento de #RapaNui comenzó entre el año 400 y el año 1000. Un gran lapso de tiempo, sí, los restos arqueológicos no permiten precisar más.
Read 24 tweets

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