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Jul 23rd 2020
Here's a common question on Postlab Drive:

"So I can edit online with Drive?"

Yes! And No. And Maybe.


#RemoteEditing #RemoteWorkflow #CloudStorage #SharedStorage #Animation #VFX #MoChat #PostChat #PostProduction
If you're a Pro or Team plan customer, Drive is available. Today.

• Pro - 100 GB Drive storage
• Team - 1000 GB (1 TB) Drive storage

#FCPX Libraries. #PremierePro Projects. MOV's. MP4's. Whatever.

So if you're reading this, update Postlab. 20.2.5. Do it.

"Can I edit online with Drive?"


1. In Postlab, connect your Drive.
2. In Finder, drag-and-drop your media to a folder on Drive.
3. Link to your media in your NLE.
4. Go!

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