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Dec 9th 2020
NOW LIVE: This year, 2045, marks the 30th anniversary of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Let's celebrate some of the countless initiatives that helped make the vision a reality!… #ExperientialFutures #FuturesFair Image
“Signed in 2038, the Bristol Zero Hunger Agreement pledges 153 countries to support more sustainable farming methods.” #Visit2045 #FuturesFair #SDG2 #ZeroHunger Image
“Repatriation of Art for Decolonialism (RAD) is a committee within the Decolonial Association for Reparations which aims to repatriate art and cultural artifacts to the subaltern cultures from which they were stolen.”
#Visit2045 #FuturesFair #SDG16 #PeaceAndJustice Image
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