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May 31st 2023
Here is a #thread 🧵about me seeking out a little river near where I live in berkshire and what happens when you close down access to people seeking a connection to nature and place @Right_2Roam @jm0ses @Buteblackbird @nicolawriting @nickhayesillus1 @Anna_Dillon @avlawson Image
This is the River Lambourn which sits nestled in the wonderful North Wessex Downs AONB, and it is indeed wonderful - a gorgeous clear chalk stream which flows from Lambourn in the downs to meet the River Kennet just near's known as the valley of the racehorse 🐎 ImageImageImageImage
I have become quite obsessed with the flow of water to the Thames recently and the Kennet + it's tributaries are amazing....the peace and tranquility combined with the attachment to the history is great (oh, and the pubs - this one in Great Shefford was The Swan I think?) ImageImageImage
Read 17 tweets
Apr 22nd 2023
Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.

My grandad, born in 1898, was none of these.

But what he was, was a walker.

He was only ever in his waddlesome old age, when I knew him. Grumpy, but kind to me, his smallest grandchild. Him, waiting for a knee replacement & me with callipers, both of us similarly lame. I was a willing captive audience for stories of his steadier youth.
He was a man who felt like he’d never done much. He survived Passchendaele, when most of his regiment didn’t, but not because of any battlefield heroics, but because he caught Spanish flu & was sent home to recover.
Read 25 tweets
Feb 8th 2023
12-26 February

This month we’re going national!

To mark the 20th anniversary of the Scottish Land Reform act* we are encouraging people to get out and celebrate the wonder of the winter night, and to call for a greater @Right_2Roam in England
It’s a way for all of us to demonstrate - wherever we are - our determination for wider opportunities of access across our national parks - not only camping, but to extend our current right to roam beyond the current mere 8%.

📸Gillian Healey
✍️📸📹Write, photograph, video your experiences and use them to call for a greater Right to Roam by writing to your MP using the @Right_2Roam template here:
Share your experiences online: #RightToRoam #TheStarsAreForEveryone.
Read 10 tweets
Jan 13th 2023
A 🧵 on the awful High Court decision to effectively end the common right to wild camp on #Dartmoor, and a backward step for the #RightToRoam and access for #WildCamping that now puts power back in the hands of wealthy landowners inside a designated UK National Park…
Wild camping (i.e. short stay, small group, carry everything there and back, leave no footprint) has historically been understood to permitted on #Dartmoor in designated areas without needing the land owner’s permission
Wild camping is the realm of hikers and backpackers. The rules ensure that the use is temporary, unobtrusive and untraceable once they move on. #Dartmoor has been the *only* UK National Park to allow this freedom and is seen as a role model to help widen access in other NPs…
Read 25 tweets
Dec 14th 2021
What do you get if you cross the ‘Minister for Access to Nature’ with his 10,000 acre private estate near Reading that the public are almost entirely excluded from? Answer: the perfect place for a sunny winter day’s trespass on the hidden estates of @RichardHRBenyon 🧵
We only recently found out that Benyon’s full title was ‘Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Minister for Rural Affairs, access to nature and Biosecurity)’. So, we decided to visit the Englefield Estate he owns to see what access to nature means in practice
I was joined by the creme-de-la-creme of trespass: @nickhayesillus1 who literally wrote the book on it; @jm0ses who understands the politics of access so well; & @samleesong to sing us folk songs of resistance as we walked. The first gate we came to didn’t bode well for access...
Read 12 tweets

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