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Apr 4th 2022
@AgJury A man who has been so thoroughly disproved for his shoddy research, incompetence, and false claims will ruin an otherwise noble desire for better healthcare in America, and elsewhere. #RobertMalone

Multiple links here:โ€ฆ
@AgJury Furthermore, the Ministry of Health of Israel came out with a press release specifically about him. And, in this regard, the government of #Israel wasn't wrong. Robert Malone is absolutely not an authority on #mRNA vaccines or the technology platform.

@AgJury Every person who associates with this fraud disqualifies himself or herself in the eyes of well-informed and scientifically educated individuals. Others persuaded by his misinformation cease being credible sources of information.

Consider the risk of having such a man on board.
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Mar 13th 2022
How did a fraud become the leader to a gullible population, including pre-disposed medical professionals? The MoH of #Israel had a simple message via press release. #RobertMalone

When I was reading the press release by the MoH of Israel, I found it amusing to come across such sub-standard graphic and grammatical errors. They probably esteemed someone as incompetent and third-rate to be of deserving of no better.๐Ÿ˜Š
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Feb 3rd 2022
#DrRobertMalone speaking about the Pfizer contracts, in particular the agreement with Israel.
Dr. #RobertMalone mentioned the lack of ability of countries to test the quality of the vaccines, and practically shared what my #PfizerLeak exposed.

I have more to share...soon.
To those who think that #Pfizer did not demand from countries not to test their #vaccines, here are quotes from the Brazilian contract, then the EC/EU member state APA contract, which Pfizer allowed them to "visually inspect" the product.

Pfizer is in full control.

Regarding #DrRobertMalone "Air Base" claim:

When Pfizer demands as a collateral "โ€ฆany assets controlled by any agency" of a state it covers the ability of Pfizer to demand as part of arbitration not military bases but also embassies.


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Jan 3rd 2022
The full @RWMaloneMD #RobertMalone video fragment on @joerogan explaining Mattias Desmetโ€™s #MassFormation analysis. 1/3
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