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Feb 26th 2022
(1/12) Fossil fuel companies being complicit in Russian aggression: a thread
(2/12) On its website, @Exxon brags about its ties to the Russian oil sector.

It's embarked on joint ventures with the Russian state oil company Rosneft.

Indeed, its former CEO once received the Order of Russian Friendship award directly from Putin.
(3/12) @bp_plc touts the fact that it's one of Russia's largest foreign investors, and holds seats on the board of a fossil fuel company personally run by a top Putin deputy.

According to The Guardian, these ties have sparked concern at the highest levels of UK government.
Read 11 tweets
Oct 20th 2020
Red Hat bits I caught during IBM's Q3 earnings call last night (thread)

#redhat #ibm $ibm
Recent examples of large-scale architectural commitments to #RedHat tech:
- #Schlumberger using #OpenShift to make its E&P enviro accessible across any infrastructure: on-premise, private & public clouds
- @Delta using Red Hat tech to modernize its IT infrastructure
In Q3, Red Hat extended its open #hybridcloud portfolio.
- OpenShift virtualization enables customers to migrate & run VMs natively w/in #OpenShift
- Advanced Cluster Management for #Kubernetes - the most robust, multi-cluster, policy-based compliance and app management system
Read 6 tweets
Oct 3rd 2020

The Schlumberger Foundation is currently accepting applications for its Faculty for the Future scholarship programme.

Funding is available for female PhD applicants or current PhD students
from developing & emerging countries who are studying STEM subjects.

The scholarship provides up to $50,000 USD per annum during their studies.


Applicants must be female & a citizen of a developing country or emerging economy where women are underrepresented in
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines.

-be preparing for a PhD degree or post-doctoral research in a STEM discipline.

-be enrolled, admitted or have applied to a host university/research institute abroad
hold an excellent academic record;
Read 7 tweets
Apr 17th 2020
Analysis: #NYSE $SLB

Case 248 #Schlumberger Limited

DISCLAIMER: The analysis is strictly for educational purposes and should not be construed as an invitation to trade.

#SLB 1/4
Chart 1
Monthly Chart: With the loss of the #Fib. 0.50 and long term #pivot #support (59.56/12) we have also seen a complete breakdown of the long term year rising #trendline which has resulted in targeting lows not seen since .....

SLB 2/4
..... 1995. The short term is mildly #bullish but long term is very #bearish with all the main #SMAs pointing down and we expect further losses towards 7.30-6.60.

SLB 3/4
Read 4 tweets
Jun 24th 2019
Day 1 of the #AfricaAssembly showed evidence that the African oil and gas industry is heading in the right direction. 1/6.
#OandoAtAfricaAssembly Image
ND Maduemezia, VP & GM Sub Saharan Africa, #Schlumberger on the deep water exploration panel hosted by OER COO, @alexirune asserted that "there is broad realization now that oil and gas will continue to play a key role in the energy mix in sustaining a foreseeable future.. 2/6
And with that realization comes the need to replace reserves, hence exploration."To sustain this interest, Carrey Russell of @AfricaOilCorp advocates a "continuous adjustment in fiscal terms because that will allow more investment into exploration and start off more activity.”3/6
Read 6 tweets
Jun 24th 2019
More than ever before, there are prospects for Africa's deep-water exploration. “What differentiates the African opportunities from that in other parts of the world?” Our COO @alexirune poses this question on The Return of Deep-Water Exploration panel.
#OandoAtAfricaAssembly Image
"There is broad realization now that oil and gas will continue to play a key role in the energy mix in sustaining a foreseeable future." (1/2)
"And with that realization comes the need to replace reserves and hence exploration" -- ND Maduemezia of #Schlumberger on factors creating renewed confidence in Africa's deep-water exploration. #AfricaAssembly #OandoAtAfricaAssembly (2/2)
Read 3 tweets

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