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Nov 22nd 2020
PSA: I can’t believe this needs to be said, but here goes: If you fully enclose an outdoor space, it becomes an indoor space. That’s it, that’s the tweet.
Change “Smoking” to “#COVID” and voila, you have a safe, ventilated outdoor space (borrowed from Smoke Free UK regulations that went into affect in 2007:…). @aoc @Ilhan @RepJimmyPanetta @KamalaHarris @BernieSanders please please spread the word.
EDIT: “safer”

You will have a safer space outdoors in the time of #COVID19.
Read 7 tweets
Oct 19th 2017
La resistencia a antimicrobianos es una de las amenazas más graves que enfrenta el mundo en el ámbito de la salud (1/4)
Es un error pensar que el problema afecta solamente a pacientes hospitalizados o en estado crítico (2/4)
Incluso las infecciones “comunes y corrientes” adquiridas en la comunidad se están volviendo intratables (3/4)
Read 4 tweets

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