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(1) Let’s take a quick dig into government spending to see if that wall makes more sense than some of our other spending habits. #Schumer #SpeakerPelosi #BuildTheDamnWallNow
(2) Washington DC spends $92 billion on corporate welfare compared to $71 billion on homeland security. Interesting....
(3) Washington DC spends $25 billion every year maintaining unused or empty federal properties. Sound like we found a great place to put our homeless population.
Read 13 tweets
Really? Because she''s handing key positions on the best committees to freshmen from the Progressive Caucus.

Indeed some are being given positions more significant than their freshman status normally allows.

Nevermind that @NancyPelosi very much wants to arm the incoming class with every tool and weapon she knows of to legally battle Trump or any who might follow him, she understands optics and politics too well to do even half of what you say.


Knowing all of these things, and having watched #SpeakerPelosi in action, in real time, over the years she has come to gain not only my respect and admiration, but also my real affection.

Now, define things as you will but I am a bona fide progressive.


Read 8 tweets
If we want to inform our opinion as to whom is the best choice to serve as House Speaker, it is important to understand the complexities & responsibilities of the position.Thanks to Kirk Bailey at we can take a look at the job of Speaker of the House./1
The Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, serves as the presiding officer of the U.S. House of Representatives./2 #SpeakerOftheHouse
The Speaker fulfills several roles, including representing constituents as a Member of Congress, acting as administrative head of the House, and serving as leader of the majority political party in the House. /3 #SpeakerOftheHouse
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