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Aug 24th 2020
#Minorities_In_Pakistan are living the hell life in Pakistan, and the reason is single behind this that:- Pakistan is a _Islamic Nation.

Soon there will be a day when not a single person from a minority live in Pakistan.

1. Another forced conversion of #Hindu girl..
.. Ram Bai forcefully converted to #Islam and married to already man with children from #MirpurKhas.

2. Dead body of a Hindu girl, Diya Meghwar was found in Nasir canal, Tando Allahyar, #Sindh under suspicious condition. She has been missing for weeks.. #Minority_Butcher_Pak
3. A 15-year-old Christian kidnapped by a married Muslim with four children. Soon she will be converted to #Islam and then #Nikah. After some time they will sell her or kill her...
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