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Dec 1st 2020
THREAD: This year’s #shotwave tweet is unusual. Not about a flu shot (though I got one back in September). This year I am participating in a randomized, controlled trial with my mom. We are both enrolled in a #COVID-19 vaccine trial. 1/15 @DrsMeena #StandBackImGoingToTryScience
We enrolled on day 1 at our University of Michigan site, in the Michigan Clinical Research Unit (MCRU), where I enroll and see a lot of #IBD patients participating in clinical trials. #IBD patients (on immunosuppression +/- steroids) would not be eligible for this study. 2/15
20K participants will get vaccine, 10K will get salt water (saline) placebo. This is one of 4 vaccines that are likely to be ready in large numbers in January (if they work and are safe) 3/15
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