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Sep 16th 2020

1. St Cyprian was born in Carthage in 210, and became its bishop in 249. At a time of fierce persecution, he encouraged his people, and by word and example led them to understand
#StCorneliusAndStCyprian #Sep16 #EarlyChurch Image
2. and witness to the faith. He was martyred in 258. Cornelius became Bishop of Rome in 251, was exiled by Emperor Gallus, and died in exile in 253.

#Christianity #Christians #Christian #Pope #StCornelius #ChristiansOnTwitter #CatholicTwitter #Christiantwitter

God our Father,
in SS. Cornelius and Cyprian
you have given your people an inspiring example
of dedication to the pastoral ministry
and constant witness to Christ in their suffering.
May their prayers and faith give us courage
to work for the unity of your Church.
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