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Jan 29th 2021
When you look at radicals like the Oath Keepers, MTG, MAGA, you cannot separate America’s permissive and fetishistic gun culture from their DNA. If we had done something about this earlier we wouldn’t be in such a mess now.
We banned leaded Gasoline decades ago for the overall health of our nation. We should be doing the same with certain firearms. The ability to own them emboldens a radical way of thinking in a large number of our population.
This is where the gun rights nuts flood my TL with their ‘logic.’ Come tell that to my friends in Newtown right now. On this cold winter morning. Tell me what it feels like to know your child is in the frozen ground instead of your loving arms and we can talk. #StoptheNRA
Read 3 tweets
Sep 1st 2019
The NRA is listed as a tax-exempt organization w the IRS, but their activities disqualify them for this designation‼️
Please join me in filing form 13909, Tax-Exempt Organization Complaint👇
Read 5 tweets

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