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Oct 4th 2019

Schiff: Trump asking China & UKN to investigate his pol opponents, is a "fundamental breach" of presidential decorum & a threat to our NatSec.

Napolitano: Trump’s Behavior is ‘Criminal & Impeachable’ — & His ‘Allusions to Violence are Palpably Dangerous’

'Drowning in his lies,' Trump lashes out on Wed.

“Just to be clear, Trump is currently, this morning, calling on foreign leaders to investigate Biden in the midst of an impeachment proceeding about whether he has encouraged foreign leaders to investigate Biden”

Don’t forget:

Trump told RU FM Sergey Lavrov & then–RU Amb Sergey Kislyak that Trump was unconcerned about Moscow’s attack on the 2016 presidential elex.

Trump noted the RU that their assault on the US electorate was no big deal & by the way can you do again?
Read 74 tweets
Jul 18th 2018

Trump is ineffectual, and even dangerous, in his foreign policy.

Trump is a danger to National Security

No one can explain what Trump’s Russia summit means, not even the U.S. government

The World Reacted in Horror at Trump's Embrace of Putin in Helsink

RU TV hosts brazenly assert, “Trump is ours,” & joke that the U.S. lawmakers traveled to RU “to make deals with our hackers, so they can rig the MT Elex in favor of Trump’s team.” They gleefully anticipate that Putin will run circles around “neophyte” 45 😱

The Russian Defense Ministry is ready to implement the “agreements re global security” reached in Helsinki between Putin & Trump. Fix in the hen house much?😱

DAG RR gave 45 options on the timing of indictment.

45 says he misspoke in his comments w/ Putin.
Read 72 tweets

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