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Oct 7th 2020
🧵🪡🧶 Dejo aquí trucos, aplicaciones, programas y/o páginas para hacer trabajos de la universidad o cualquier otro uso en esta nuestra era tecnológica.

PD.: Lo doy desde mi punto de vista de #CienciasDeLaSalud
Lo primero es conseguir leer. Más allá de lo que se encuentra en las bibliotecas, lo actualizado se encuentra en la red, en artículos publicados. Y, como el acceso en su mayoría está bloqueado 🤑🤑🤑 podemos acceder a las revistas a través de la red universitaria 🤓
1. Bases de datos de la #URJC…

2. Bases de datos de la #UAM

3. Bases de datos de la #UCM… ImageImageImage
Read 37 tweets
Jan 8th 2020

⚡️Let's talk HoloPort & HoloPort+ 🔳Setup
There are 14 steps to set up your HoloPort, this thread will list them all 😍
Step 1 - HoloPort & HoloPort+ 🔳Setup
Open the boxes. Remove the device, USB drive, network cable, power supply, and power cable.

#EasyPeasy #HoloPortSetUp #HoloPort #Holo
Step 2 - HoloPort & HoloPort+ 🔳Setup
Connect the power supply, power cable, and HoloPort, then plug them into a power outlet.

#HoloPortSetUp #HoloPort #Holo
Read 27 tweets
Oct 4th 2019

Schiff: Trump asking China & UKN to investigate his pol opponents, is a "fundamental breach" of presidential decorum & a threat to our NatSec.

Napolitano: Trump’s Behavior is ‘Criminal & Impeachable’ — & His ‘Allusions to Violence are Palpably Dangerous’

'Drowning in his lies,' Trump lashes out on Wed.

“Just to be clear, Trump is currently, this morning, calling on foreign leaders to investigate Biden in the midst of an impeachment proceeding about whether he has encouraged foreign leaders to investigate Biden”

Don’t forget:

Trump told RU FM Sergey Lavrov & then–RU Amb Sergey Kislyak that Trump was unconcerned about Moscow’s attack on the 2016 presidential elex.

Trump noted the RU that their assault on the US electorate was no big deal & by the way can you do again?
Read 74 tweets

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