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Mar 14th 2023
"What does bear spray do to humans?"

#SuitMacer, a Trump fanatic who some on this website suggested was an undercover cop, pleaded guilty in a nearly empty courtroom yesterday.…
"Look, you know, we have a job to do. There's an information war,” @McBrideLawNYC told me, after suggesting a Trump supporter was an undercover cop.

He added that he would “never knowingly put any false information out into the public.”…
"Wow! Caught red handed!!!"

"If this photograph and document are genuine, then this is evidence of a police officer spraying something toxic at another police officer.”

"These would be the metaphorical 'smoking gun' level evidence of the Fedsurrection."…
Read 4 tweets
Mar 13th 2023
#suitmacer already admitted what he did on video but got cold feet when the judge started talking about the consequences of a felony conviction and is now thinking he wants to explain himself at a bench trial instead of at sentencing. On a brief break.
Basically zero chance this works out better for him. Let’s see if his extremely capable taxpayer funded lawyer can get through to him!
She did it! Saved #suitmacer from himself. Guilty plea accepted, sentencing set for July.
Read 5 tweets
Sep 16th 2021
Here’s where things stand on Jan. 6 videos:
The update came in the case against Edward Francisco Rodriguez (aka #SuitMacer) who was IDed by the #SeditionHunters community. Uploaded here:…
The Sue Ianni case got a nearly identical update.
Read 6 tweets
Feb 20th 2021
#SeditionHunters - not to overwhelm with too many new tags today, but will bookmark this older post with #EarnedMyAFO. Let's keep track of best clips of people who should be on @FBIWFO's Wanted list but aren't yet. #SuitMacer earned it!
"AFO" = "assault on a federal officer"
Should note that the officers here are mostly DC metropolitan police, which may be one reason #SuitMacer didn't make it on the federal list. Unclear whether assault on metro police supporting Capitol Police on federal grounds is a federal offense, but I sure hope it is.
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