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Jan 11th 2020
#SultanQaboos of #Oman died. The royal family chose Sayyid Haitham bin Tariq al-Said to succeed. Who is he? What does it mean? A thread 1/
First, the royal family was quick in agreeing to a successor. This portrays externally a show of unity that is very important in a volatile region and vis-à-vis concerns that neighbors like #SaudiArabia and #UAE would have likes to interfere in the process. #Oman closed ranks. 2/
#SayyidHaitham was among those considered likely successors of #SultanQaboos for years. He has a quiet personality and an immense culture. Oxford-educated, very close to the British royals, he lacks the military background that other major candidates had. This sends a message! 3/
Read 13 tweets
Jan 11th 2020

Sultan Qaboos of Oman has died 🇴🇲

Key player in regional diplomacy, long believed to be ailing. 🙏🏻
Successor in #Oman unnamed, distinct from other Gulf countries.

Royal family to meet & find agreement on successor. Failing to do so, determination made according to letter left behind by #SultanQaboos

Knowing sultan been ailing, expectation is family have agreement on a name.
Leading names of to succeed #sultanqaboos of #Oman are his cousins:

• Deputy PM Asaad bin Tariq Al Said
• Minister Haitham bin Tariq Al Said

Both seen below respectively 👇🏻
Read 5 tweets

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