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May 18th 2023
#taekookau in which Kim Taehyung signs himself up for a dating agency, hoping to find the perfect boyfriend. Instead, he finds Jeon Jungkook, the ambitious, strict CEO, whose heart has gone cold ages ago. (+) Image
(+) Their interactions are initially rough and full of tension, but as the two begin to open up to each other, they realize that love or feelings don't stay hidden for long.
💜 Prologue 💜

Somewhere in the heart of Seoul, there was a lavish, decadent restaurant with a spacious area and large glass windows. The rich and prominent society often visited the place to have business meetings or romantic dates with their companies.
Read 65 tweets
Sep 12th 2021
@BTS_twt’s tweets throughout the years (2013 to 2020) for namjoon’s birthday 🐨
a thread
let’s take a trip down memory lane✨pt (2/4)
“My eternal friend and leader”..I’m sobbing with my namseok heart🥺
Read 30 tweets

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