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Sep 12th 2022
Okay I'm home now so I can focus on this man for a little bit.

I've loved a lot of famous people in the way that you enjoy following someone's career and you think they seem like a cool person and they have a great voice or a pretty face or whatever. Celebrities, you know? +
And then BTS came into my life when I needed them, as they have done for a lot of us, and I realised that you can genuinely love someone that you don't know.

Not in the career enjoying, social media following, hang a poster on your wall, turn their song up on the radio way. +
In a "I cry when you cry" and I want you to be happy and I want to make you dinner and walk along a beach with you and listen to your thoughts on art and humanity and the cosmos way.

In the sort of way that means I love your artistry and the music you gift us, but I love +
Read 5 tweets
Sep 12th 2021
@BTS_twt’s tweets throughout the years (2013 to 2020) for namjoon’s birthday 🐨
a thread
let’s take a trip down memory lane✨pt (4/4)
Read 22 tweets
Sep 12th 2021
@BTS_twt’s tweets throughout the years (2013 to 2020) for namjoon’s birthday 🐨
a thread
let’s take a trip down memory lane✨pt (2/4)
“My eternal friend and leader”..I’m sobbing with my namseok heart🥺
Read 30 tweets
Sep 12th 2021
@BTS_twt’s tweets throughout the years (2013 to 2020) for namjoon’s birthday 🐨
a thread
let’s take a trip down memory lane✨pt (1/4)
Starting from this 🥺 “rapmom hyung you’re so cute” 🐥
Tae imitating joon’s selca..aww this is so cute
Read 30 tweets
Sep 11th 2020
aqui tem outros desenhos meus se alguém quiser ver 💖…
me sigam no instagram! tô sempre postando meus desenhos lá também 💕

aqui o link ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Sep 11th 2020

[A THREAD] What I learnt and appreciate from Namjoon as #BTS leader:

1️⃣ Humility.

“I think my contribution to this is very small. It’s really the #BTSARMY, the other members here, all our staff, the songwriters, media”

#NamjoonDay #RM @BTS_twt
2️⃣ Positivity.

“I believe that with the bad, there’s always the good - though that could take a long time.”
[#BTS Namjoon on #COVID19 pandemic]

#NamjoonDay #RM
3️⃣ Teamwork = Trust & respect

#NamjoonDay #RM
Read 11 tweets
Sep 11th 2020
Namjoon- I am so thankful for you. You have led your life and BTS with such grace, thoughtfulness, kindness, and humbleness... using your wisdom and ability to stay strong & kind, under enormous pressure... ++

+ leading by example, always striving, seeking wisdom and ways improve oneself constantly... even with self doubts, you have enough courage to share your self-doubts, be humble, be true to yourself ++
+ recognizing, encouraging, and supporting each member's unique strengths & abilities... allowing each of you to grow & explore in a space filled with love, friendship, understanding, thoughtfulness, and acceptance ++
Read 5 tweets

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