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May 27th 2023
Significance of #Sengol or #Rajdanda as explained in the Mahabharata.
In Shanti Parva of Mahabharata Yudhishthira enquires about the origin of Rajdanda from Bhishma Pitamah. Bhishma explains how upon Brahma deva’s request Mahadev himself manifested in the form of Rajdanda.
Brahma ImageImageImageImage
deva passed the Rajdanda on to Bhagwan Vishnu. It was later handed over to Manu, and then to his sons. The holder of this Danda is supposed to protect Dharma with the energy of Mahadev himself.
Being staunch bhakts of Mahadeva it is most likely that the Chola Kings took ImageImage
inspiration from Mahabharata to create this beautiful tradition; where Bhagwan Shiva is represented by the Rajdanda; thus always reminding the kings that they are the upholders of Dharma (righteousness) on behalf of Mahadeva.
Images 5 and 6 - Mahabharata, Shanti Parva,
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May 26th 2023
Significance of #Sengol or #Rajdanda as explained in the Mahabharata.

In Shanti Parva of Mahabharata Yudhishthira enquires about the origin of Rajdanda from Bhishma Pitamah. Bhishma explains how upon Brahma deva’s request Mahadev himself manifested in the form of Rajdanda... ImageImageImage
Brahma deva passed the Rajdanda on to Bhagwan Vishnu. It was later handed over to Manu, and then to his sons. The holder of this Danda is supposed to protect Dharma with the energy of Mahadev himself.

Being staunch bhakts of Mahadeva it is most likely that the Chola Kings took..
inspiration from Mahabharata to create this beautiful tradition; where Bhagwan Shiva is represented by the Rajdanda; thus always reminding the kings that they are the upholders of Dharma (righteousness) on behalf of Mahadeva.

[narrated by @MySutradhar ]

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