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Oct 25th 2019
A short post on what it takes to #GetBrexitDone

The trouble with the brexits is every time tories add things they end up lengthening Brexit

In 2016 when #farage defined Norway Brexit change would have taken days. Keeping the original #thatcherdeal means Brexit is done already
But the tories added on two things that weren't part of the 2016 mandate because no one thought we'd be so stupid.

1. A need for an EU FTA - all the 2016 campaigns assumed staying in the customs union.

2. A need to renegotiate all Non-EU FTAs that we get through EU.
These decisions added YEARS.

1. EU FTA, the average is 3-5 years. The idea it will be quicker is said by people who know nothing about international trade. It will be slower due to all the exceptions.

2. 10 years? It should be 35 years if we take the average. Can you imagine?
Read 6 tweets
Oct 23rd 2019
All the Brexits
All exclusively the will of the people
@eucopresident should give us a FLEXIBLE extension. That takes the EU out of the decision.

And then.

Leavers have the time they need, to decide on which Brexit. And show us all how it benefits the UK over their original⏬
All the Brexits you say?
Yes, you remember right? Every single one of them is the Will of the People.
Except none of them are really the will of the people. This is the Johnson, for example.

No deal scores even worse.
Read 7 tweets
Sep 29th 2019
12. The I can't make it any easier than this FFS why Brexit makes bugger all economic sense. Thread⬇️

13. *Bots - Unlucky for Some.*
This is not a fashionable issue, but honestly, I personally worry about it more than most other things. It could win or lose more than a bit of CA interference

If you can help, please get in touch.
or just RT :).

Read 21 tweets

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