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Jul 15th 2021
For our #CelebratingIrish series this week, we’ve partnered with @EI_TheUK to highlight the Irish businesses and businesspeople who have made a major impact in GB.
Irish businesses have played a significant role in the British economy, creating jobs for local areas, helping build schools, roads & providing important services to the community.
Building on its success in 🇮🇪, Aviation maintenance repair & overhaul company, @DublinAerospace expanded its operations last September by opening a new UK site @Exeter_Airport, creating 100 jobs for the area with plans for further job creation as the aviation sector recovers.
Read 12 tweets
Feb 8th 2018
#38 #TheFloridaProject 3,5/5 30 menit berlalu gue hanya melihat penggambaran kenakalan anak-anak, namun kebelakang makin intens menyentuh sisi lain kehidupan single parent, Ekonomi dan krama keluarga Amerika. Tapi best supporting role untuk Willem Dafoe kok agak berlebihan yah?
#39 #JusticeLeague 3/5 jadi ini cuman buat ngelawan Steppenwolf, Batman dkk bakar dupa dan melakukan ritual klenik untuk membangkitkan Superman dari kuburan? ..... hhhmmmm. Beklah.
#40 #TheSquare 3/5 Perwakilan Swedia untuk Oscar 2018 ini agak membosankan, 2 masalah utama disajikan, pekerjaan di museum seni dan hp yang hilang berbuntut masalah panjang, yg menarik tampilan Terry Notary sbg Apes di gala dinner dan anak kecil yg dituduh mencuri hp. Sisanya meh
Read 130 tweets

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