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Feb 22nd 2023
Athlete Harry Jerome (1940-1982)
Olympic Pioneer
Harry Jerome was a legendary athlete who paved the way for future generations of Black athletes.

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Harry was a Canadian sprinter who set multiple world records in the 1960s, including the 100-meter dash. He broke the Canadian record for the 220 yard dash, and was one of the few runners to hold records in both the 100m and 100 yard dash simultaneously.
He was also an Olympic bronze medalist and a Commonwealth Games gold medalist. He was named BC’s male athlete of the 20th century and was inducted into the Canadian Olympic Hall of Fame and Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame.
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Nov 1st 2021
OTD in 1959, after taking a shot from Andy Bathgate in the nose, Jacques Plante leaves the game & returns wearing a mask.

This is a (mega) thread to Plante & to the mask wearers who followed. Some great goalies/masks do not appear & some appear more than once.

Gerry Cheevers and his iconic mask. The first to have markings on it. #NHLBruins

I considered doing a thread just on Michel Dion's mask.

#Pens #LetsGoPens
Read 139 tweets
Apr 12th 2021
The chase for an #HIV cure has been elusive for decades with as many failures as seen with CNS diseases. $SGMO has been dedicated to this effort tho are now supporting sponsors given the cost of the effort. This stream will provide an recap. #Autologous #CellTherapy
$SGMO began this clinical effort in 2009. They have worked with UPenn, City of Hope, Case Western University. NAID and CIRM have helped with funding among others. We should see some critical updates this year.
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The first trial (sponsored by UPenn) SB-728 began in 2009 focused on HAART treated patients and was focused on safety and comparison/persistence of CD4/CD8 T cells after ZFN modifed autologous T cells were infused.
#HIV #CellTherapy
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