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Aug 15th 2020
15 August 2020 #PardonFlynnNow by a #PardonOfInnocence

#BalanceOfPower #SeparationOfPower #ChecksAndBalances #TwoTiersOfLaw

We remain in denial, America. The fruit of a rotted root system is likely to be rotted also. American justice is now rotted to its very roots.
2) In a moment, I'll present two timely stories on topic. I will not follow the details out. Rather, I will encourage you to do so. I encourage you to read both stories carefully, with a detail oriented attention. Each story is horrifically meaningful right now.
3) Before I present the two stories, I will speak at a very high level about analysis, itself, and what it might mean to us if we embraced it. We? America. Common Sense America. If we wish to serve America we must all become adequate analysts. You must become an analyst.
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