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Sep 17th 2018
My thread yesterday re #TyphoonMangkhut went viral. Impossible to reply all so here is a general 👇

To all the kind concerned people: we are all safe. Back to work today.

To media: we r not defined by the disaster we encounter, but how we encounter it. Report that too pls. 1/
2/ to the #ClimateChange deniers who attacked me: keep sleep walking, geniuses.

To many who don’t know HK: the typhoon didn’t cut off our gas, electricity, internet. Everything worked fine. The first responders started 2 work during the typhoon. #HK is bouncing back already.
3/ To the people of #HK: i wasn’t born nor brought up here, but HK is home. There is no other place I can think of w such ability to bounce back w efficiency, resilience, & amazing work ethics. Our city has lagged behind in the last years but I’m profoundly proud & bullish #HK.
Read 3 tweets
Sep 16th 2018
All coastal areas impacted by waves/winds will bear the fruit of Israel spoken of by Paul:
Consider it all joy when you encounter various trials for “All flesh is like grass & all its glory like the flower of grass “Awake, sleeper, arise from the dead, Christ will shine on you.”
There are 9 potentially deadly storms that seem to be telling a story if we break down their meanings behind the names of each storm.

#HurricaneFlorence #HurriicaneIsaac #TyphoonMangkhut #Olivia #Joyce #HurricaneHelene #TropicalStormPaul #Joyce #Barijat…
9 also represents the fruits of God's Holy Spirit, which are Faithfulness, Gentleness, Goodness, Joy, Kindness, Long suffering, Love, Peace and Self-control (Galatians 5:22 - 23).…
Read 33 tweets

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