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Feb 27th 2019
So, @revjelowe and I are going to be off the grid for the next day or so, as needed.

But let me offer some last reflections on today's events regarding the @UMChurch and their adoption of the Traditional Plan. It is not just an anti-gay plan, it's aggressively so...

It leaves almost no way for even well meaning allies to remain with @UMChurch in good conscience.

And why?

Well, to be frank one must look to the African Conference. They voted in a block and provided more than half of the votes for the Traditional Plan.

A sad truth.

The basis, they claim, is the Bible.
The good book.
The Word.

A book which they hold to be literally true. From the first letter to the last, literally true.

Yet, even they, the most holy African Conference, only pick and choose which parts the text to follow.

Read 9 tweets
Feb 26th 2019
Know this. The @UMChurch just fell under the weight of bigotry, and based upon a small handful of biblical verses that can be interpreted in different ways. Christ himself never spoke a word about homosexuality. And he never sent any away from himself.

#UMCGC2019 #gc2019

Methodism died by hands of less than 900 delegates.

The Council of Bishops and those who did the study on which this vote was based had endorsed the One Church Plan, which would have allowed all to stay. That was rejected.

#umcgc2019 #gc2019 #LoveOverFear

To the female pastors who supported the Traditional Plan: be very ashamed.

There are 100 times more proscriptions against women in the Bible than against #LGBTQ participants.

When you are defrocked in the coming years you will have your own votes to thank.


Read 5 tweets
Feb 26th 2019
It was not a great day for the #LGBTQ community nor for their supporters and advocates at the #UMCGC2019 #gc2019.

The person I love most in the world is likely to have his life upended by whatever decision the delegates to the GC make.

This does not sit well.

I had held out hope that the African & South American Conference delegations would seek to move beyond mere provincialism and instead would try to hold the denomination as a whole to a different and higher standard. A standard the outside world would be encouraged to emulate.

That has not happened. Nor have the American Conference delegations been able to break away from the tribalism that can infect smaller allied groups within larger ecumenical bodies.

Thus, coalitions that would seek to demand better of itself have not been formed.

Read 10 tweets

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