But let me offer some last reflections on today's events regarding the @UMChurch and their adoption of the Traditional Plan. It is not just an anti-gay plan, it's aggressively so...
And why?
Well, to be frank one must look to the African Conference. They voted in a block and provided more than half of the votes for the Traditional Plan.
A sad truth.
The good book.
The Word.
A book which they hold to be literally true. From the first letter to the last, literally true.
Yet, even they, the most holy African Conference, only pick and choose which parts the text to follow.
Yet they fully expect others to follow the other parts no matter how uncomfortable things get.
The God of so many parts of the Bible is more human like, flawed even, than God-like.
Angry. Jealous. Vengeful even.
We claim that God is all powerful, all knowing, and everywhere at once.
Unlimited everything apparently but still prone to anger and jealousy?
These are the reasons I find the biblical proscriptions against homosexuality and so much else to be questionable.
Sex feels good people, and gay sex feels real good. God certainly wouldn't have made it so if God expected us not to have it...
The @UMChurch erred today.
They spoke for God and made God speak their words.
And God is still paying attention then I imagine that God is disappointed once again.
And rightly.